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Authors note: Hi guys this is my first attempt at a fanfic so i hope you enjoy and if you like it please vote and share this story. I obviously don't own all the characters and places in this story as they belong to the amazing George R.R. Martin. Also this story will only loosely follow the tv show as Margery survives and the house i created exists. But anyway i hope you enjoy.
Growing Strong

Thick black ash tumbles to the ground around me catching in my hair and staining my dress as crimson blood drips from my head and falls to mingle with the soot below me. I was Maragaery Tyrell Queen of the seven kingdoms married to King Tommen Baratheon first of his name. Loved by the commoners and the nobles, the royal flower of House Tyrell. Now I lie broken in the ruins of a sept covered in soot and dirt. I uncurl from the foetal position and wonder how I survived. In all honesty I shouldn't be alive , all I remember is arguing with the High Sparrow before the floor erupted in green light , after that I'm not sure.
Its seems the initial explosion must have knocked down the pillar in front of me pushing me into the corner shielding me from the flames and blocking the falling debris.The wildfire explosion did not leave unscathed however, my left leg doesn't feel right and my left arm is a patchwork of scorch marks.  I haul myself to my feet and instantly fall down again attacked by a symphony of agony. My left leg must be broken but sitting here won't fix that. So with great effort I pick myself up  and drag myself over the scorched pillar into the center of the room. The sheer destruction knocks the air from my lungs, all around lie the roasted,blackened bodies.
Chunks of the most beautiful building in Seven Kingdoms strewn around the smoking husk that was once the great sept of Baelor. The beautiful engraved walls charred and broken and the once beautiful statues of our goods thrown down and shattered like the fake idols they are. I am the only one to survive all around me lies only a smoking graveyard.
I fall to my knees gasping as tears run down my face cutting trails through my ash covered face. My whole family is dead. Loras,Mace,Everyone their charred bodies lie broken before me. I am surrounded by death and somehow the seven chose to save me. Why not Loras? Why did the Seven not save him? He was the future of house Tyrell, the brother I fought so hard to save. Taken from me by the Lannister whore.
This is clearly Cersie's doing , her trial and her enemies gone in an instant, wiped out in a blaze of green light. Every enemy she ever had. The Sparrows,the Tyrells,Kevan all gone. All wiped out in seconds. And now she has Tommen in her grasp as well. My sweet Tommen, I marvel at how someone so innocent and good could have that bitch for a mother.  He would have been the greatest King for centuries and with me at his side we would have ruled over a golden age. But I am presumed dead and with me gone no one can protect him from her manipulation. He will become a puppet king,a tool of his mothers will and the Tommen I knew would be no more.
But what can I do, I can't show my face and I have no friends left. The commoners wouldn't dare to shelter me and my family's army couldn't retaliate without starting an all out war. All my soldiers are either already dead or marching back to Highgarden theres nothing left for them here. Their lord is dead, the house they're sworn to gone. Who can blame them if they flee.
  Now the only Tyrell left is my grandmother Olenna , I only hope she is safe in Highgarden. If anyone can be safe anymore. And if a Lannister gets hold of me well i don't think my life would be worth living.
I only have one choice I have to  escape Kings Landing and to try and return to Highgarden. Theres nothing left for me here and my house will want revenge. And if I can get home and call the banners I will raise the greatest army the Reach has ever seen. I will burn the Crownlands,end the Lannisters and I will avenge my father and brother. House Tyrell will live on and we will continue to grow.With hope in my heart I drag myself to my feet and trek away from the ruins my broken leg scraping across the floor. A lone flower in the darkness limping away from the lions.

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