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I clutch Horas's hand tightly as we race down to the shore my broken leg the only thing slowing us down. Night is falling as we rapidly approach the docks drawing like a black cloud behind us. As we reach the docks  the number of Goldcloaks and Redwyne guards increases massively and I recover my face . I keep my head down as we thread our way through the crowd, Horas's hand my only guide through the throng.
I pass through the middle of the  milling mass and then I'm out on the other side,my lungs able to expand again and my body able to breathe once more. Ahead lies only a stretch of rickety wooden decking and then beyond that the rising mass of Redwyne fleet the greatest in all the seven kingdoms.
The remaining Redwyne troops see Horas striding forward and form up around us as an honour guard as we slowly march towards the mighty ships. They tower above us like gods; masses of metal and oak,huge cloth sails emblazoned with the grapevine sigil and every turret lined with soldiers.
I sneak a look behind me at the city,lit up at night like the worlds biggest candle and the people running everywhere. Even at night Kings landing is a hive of activity, truly it is the city that never sleeps.
As we pass a pair of Goldcloaks the cloth covering my face and hair slips fluttering to the floor, I gasp and the guard instantly looks up at me.
I see the flash of recognition,the indecision and see his hand drop to his sword. I scream at Horas to run as I hitch up my skirts and sprint towards the boats, my leg screaming with pain. I turn back towards Horas and see him turn and begin to run after me as the squad of Gold cloaks race up the jetty towards us as the last Redwyne boat,its flagship "The Arbor Princess " prepares to drop anchor and move away.
The remaining Redwyne troops get battered to the floor  as the city guards race past them yelling at me and Horas to halt. I race up to the ship hollering at the burly man who is hauling in the rope ladder to halt.
I see how he recognises me and stops bringing it in muttering an apology as I gather my skirts and haul myself up the flimsy ladder. I drag myself over the lip and spin round , reaching out to Horas.
He continues to sprint along the jetty towards the desperation clear on his face as his purple cloak streams out behind him. I see the Goldcloaks continue to chase him along as the leader pulls a golden spear from his back and readies it to throw.
My eyes flash back to Horas's exhausted face as he stumbles towards me before he leaps and I reach out to grasp his hand.
And then his strong corded hands interlock with mine and I lift him up over the edge. Behind us i hear the Goldcloaks spear smash harmlessly into the hull as the rope ladder is cut away.
Horas pulls himself to his feet before ordering the ships captain to lift the anchor and pull away. He turns to me before asking "Are you okay my lady?"
""I'm fine thank you just have to get my breath back " I reply my face flushed. I take one last look at Kings Landing before turning away and heading to the prow of the ship. I stand next to Horas as we leave Kings Landing behind,my home for years and very nearly the place where I was buried. I will bear the scars Kings Landing has given with pride and though my physical wounds may heal I will always remember the pain. But i will stand tall Unbowed Unbent  Unbroken.

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