The Voyage

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I stand at the prow of the "Arbor Princess" as the sun climbs above the horizon bathing the sea in warmth and light. The expanse of sea before me sparkles like a thousand sparkling gems as the waves crash incessantly into the hull below me. Its dawn and for now I stand last best hope against the coming storm. But my soon my reverie will be broken as the sailors will see to their ship and as I hear the ships behind me toll their bells I know my time is over.
Gradually the rest of the boat begins to wake up,sailors tending to the sails relieving the night watchmen and the poor lad who has to sit in the crows nest clambering up the rigging. But I still stand there oblivious to the world my purple chiffon gown billowing in the wind. Three days on this boat has been like a dream,a chance to pull myself together rebuild my life.
My leg was splinted properly and wrapped up, the pain greatly reduced from before. And a poultice had been applied the burn marks that swirled around my arm up to my shoulder and then down my side to my hips. The maester reduced the pain but said the dark brown marks would likely never fade. It is sad but I'm told I'm still a great beauty so the pain is lessened. And I was finally to dress how I wanted to again not forced into corsets or long restricting gowns. Just the dresses I want to wear in green and purple. I was free again. But still I had my scars and they may never fade.
I wish I was not so vain that this bothered me but I can't do anything about it. I am a Tyrell, a flower. I was raised to be delicate,to be beautiful and to get a husband. I've had three so I've out performed most girls but its just who I am. I sigh and turn away pulling myself back to reality and almost banging into Horas.
"Sorry m'lady I didn't't mean to startle you!" Horas stammered springing backwards surprised.
"Its fine don't worry about it Horas" I reply wrapping my arm around his shoulders. "I have never seen a more beautiful sunrise" I sigh and Horas smiles too. "But my lady Dorne will have never seen a woman as beautiful as you" he chuckles "Even the great Elia Martell could not compare to your beauty"
I blush at his words but I've never felt anything for Horas, he's my cousin yes but we are not Targaryens or savages. And though he does he look handsome in his trademark silver armour covered with embossed grapes and vines I'd never fall for him.
And suddenly I realise how similar he is to Loras. Not just his armour but his mannerisms,his long brown hair almost everything about him. But I need to move on, Loras was kind and good but he has fallen and I am the only one who can continue our line. I realize that I must have zoned out for minute so I quickly blurt out a reply.
"Thank you Horas but we don't want to make enemies in Dorne. They are our allies now" I reprimand him, he's a good man but he sure does have a loose tongue, well I hope Dorne are our allies anyway.And with that I turn away and stride back to my chambers eager to escape the heat.

                       *        *        *

Some time later I awake from my rest  surprised I fell asleep in the first place. I had barely moved all day only leaving my chambers to eat and clean my Tyrell dagger engraved with twisting rose plants gifted to me by my handmaiden Mira shortly before she left Kings Landing. I turn and stare out the window behind me as the blood red sun sinks back below the horizon. Suddenly I hear a loud banging on the door and I call for them to enter. In runs our lookout from the crows nest, Tomislav Hunt a distant relative of the house Tarly.
"Dorne is in sight my lady we will reach it by tomorrow" he stammers.
I turn and smile to myself I will have vengeance. Righteous in wrath.

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