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Our fleet slowly sails forward toward Ghost Hill as its pristine white walls sparkle in the sun. Horas stands beside me gleaming in his armour as we step forward to the prow, my beautiful green dress gently rippling in the wind.I chose to wear the tyrell colours today and the beautiful chiffon dress even has little roses across the bodice. Below us on a jetty stand the assorted nobles of Dorne and I see my Grandmother at the front of procession next to a fierce woman I vaguely recognise.
The Arbor Princess glides into port as the burly man I remember from kings landing appears to throw a heavy rope ladder over the side. I turn away from the prow and slowly step towards the ladder. I kneel down and clasp Horas hand as I step over the side and on to the first rung, I begin to slowly descend the ladder favouring my good leg , as my broken and splinted leg still refuses to heal . I've reached the bottom rung before I hear the dull metallic thunk of the anchor hitting the seabed.
I wait for Horas to drop to the ground before I stand up straight and take his arm. I look behind me at the formidable fleet pulling into port and sigh as I turn back to Horas. Together we stride towards the welcoming party a bright smile plastered on my face. As we draw closer I extricate myself from Horas and bow demurely in front of my grandmother.
"My sweet child" I hear my grandmother sigh as she embraces me. I wrap my arms tightly around her fragile frame as well, my face buried in her shoulder.
I slowly pull away and stand up straight as I face my grandmother.
"We thought you were dead" she chokes as tears fill her normally stoic eyes."Mace and Loras didn't make it but they saved you. Only you. Why?"
I stand there slightly stunned. Why was I the only one saved? Was it luck or was there some greater purpose.
"I don't know grandmother but I promise you that I will avenge your son and grandson" I reply " We will have our vengeance". She smiles at me then and I turn and prepare to receive the inevitable barrage of pleasantries from dornish nobles as Horas catches up with Olenna behind me.
I greet the lady I vaguely remember who introduces herself as " Ellaria Sand former paramour of Oberyn" who I understand currently rules dorne. " I thought Doran Martell ruled dorne "I reply baffled. " Our Prince met with an unexpected end" She smiles eerily.
I then deal with all the other dignitaries from across Dorne, the  Blackmonts,Yronwoods,Daynes and  others that I'll never remember. I'm exhausted but they keep coming an endless stream of now minor houses from gods know where. But finally I break through pulling myself away from some puffed up fellow who looks like a beached whale. My grandmother appears next to me as I turn and admire her crimson dress.
"My child you must be exhausted" she mutters"Up those stairs there is a small room I got my servants to prepare a room for you. They're bloody useless but they have to be good at something". I look up the winding stairs into the tower its large windows giving it a bright airy feel.
" It's where the Tyrell forces are staying while we' re here. Its a pain to get up but apparently to stay in the tower is an honour so make of it what you will". Olenna rambles on.
" Oh grandmother can you summon my old handmaiden Mira to sunspear". I ask quitely, I see my grandmothers face and my spirits plummet.
"" I stutter sobbing.
My grandmother slowly looked up at me.
"Ironrath was burned down to the ground on the orders of House Lannister. There were no survivors"
Iron from Ice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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