In the Lions Den

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I gingerly limp through the darkened streets of Kings landing, constantly checking over my shoulder and trying to act natural every time i see a gold cloak. I've covered my face and hair with an old rag I found near the sept and my dress is unrecognizable stained with blood and soot anyway I shouldnt be noticed, I'm supposed to be dead.
I  originally aimed to travel to the main gate and flee to Highgarden that way, but was blocked by the riots breaking out in flea bottom. So here I am now trying desperately to escape this hell hole, trying to reach the docks and maybe steal a boat and being constantly weighed down by this damned broken leg.  Even after splinting it and fashioning a makeshift crutch  it's still impossible to walk on but I have to escape here. And I have to believe I have some family left here, one of my younger cousins or uncles. Someone loyal to the Tyrells must still be here. But so far all I've seen are the commoners and their children, the people I once strove to help now unable to help me. All my good work for nought now that it is me that needs their help. But I have to keep on going the consequences otherwise are too great.
"Hey you" I hear a voice cry out behind me. I freeze in terror what if its a gold cloak or worse a Lannister guard.
"Excuse my lady but are you alright" I hear his voice call out concern clear in his tone.
I slowly turn and my heart soars with joy. Behind me gleaming in silver armour with sword in hand and the grapevine sigil on his shield stands my cousin Horas Redwyne.
"Oh Horas" I cry hobbling towards him and wrapping my arms around him.
He pushes me off rather abruptly and I fall back startled the pain in my leg flaring.Then it hits me, he has no clue who I am and how could he with my face covered and my dress ripped and stained. I tear the headscarf off and the realization dawns on his face. Though my face is ash caked and streaked with tears he knows who I am.
"M...Mar...Margery but I tho...thought you were dead" he choked tears running down his face.
"No i know you are I saw your coffin this morning and Loras's , Mace's as well. You're supposed to be dead"
I walked up and slowly reached up to cup his cheek as my thumb brushed away the tears on his face.
"Its me" I whispered gently "I'm here now and that's all that matters"
"But..But" he stuttered.
"Later" I cut him off " I can explain later but right now I need to get away. Can you help me?"
He took a second to compose himself before answering his normally youthful face creased with worry lines.
" The Redwyne fleet has been called to Dorne by Lady Olenna"he stated"I don't know why but orders are orders.  " You can come with us but you need to leave now."
I nodded slowly before he grabbed my hand and we raced down to the docks as the sun began to sink towards the horizon. Burning Bright.

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