Spooky Little Girl

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A cab pulls up in front of the residence of Dr. John Curan, which is also known formerly as the Olusola residence.

The driver gets out and opens up the backdoor on the passenger side for the woman in the short black dress and black heels gets out.

The young woman with long black hair and ocean blue eyes thanks the driver and walks up to the house and passes by a boy and his mother who are quick to get off the property.

She rings the bell and is met by a tall man in scrubs with a smile on his face.

"Dr. Curan, I presume?" The woman says.

He nods his head and gestures for her to come inside the large house.

After John closes the door, the woman turns around and looks at him.

"You work out of your home. I think that's wonderful. My name is Elizabeth Short by the way." She says.

"Well, I cater mostly to the families in the neighborhood. Makes it convenient for them and for me." John explains.

"And for your wife."

"Oh, I'm not married, not currently. Where did you say you heard of me?"

"My girl friend, Nabby Pierce, you filled her cavity. She said you were very good."

"Nabby. Yes. Nice gal."

As they continue talking, he leads her into his office where he works with his patients that come to his home for dental work. 

"Nabby also said you sometimes made special arrangements with girls who were a little short." Elizabeth says.

John looks up from his desk and says, "You don't have any money?"

"Not very much. I'm still trying to establish myself. I'm an actress. I'm gonna make it big. Everyone says so. You can expect to see me up on the silver screen one day." She explains.

John gets all his dental tools together and just listens as Elizabeth talks.

He walks back towards Elizabeth, who is sitting in the dentist chair, and leans over to grab his tray to put his tools on as she looks at him seductively.

"Don't you think we could come to some kind of  mutually beneficial arrangement, Dr. Curan?" She asks.

He sighs and backs away to finish setting everything up.

"Well, I don't know." He says.

"It hurts, Doctor. I really need you to fill it." She says seductively.

John looks back at her and then quickly back at what he was doing before walking over to Elizabeth again..

"I'm just gonna put this on you." He says picking up the face mask off the tank next to her chair.

Before he puts the mask on her, he stops and looks at the white flower in her hair.

"I don't want to crush your carnation."

Elizabeth chuckles.

"It's not a carnation, silly. It's a dahlia."

He takes the flower from her hand and places it on the tray before putting her under so he can work on her teeth.

"Just breath." 


Later that day, a woman is walking down the street with her daughter, enjoy the nice January day in Los Angles.

"Isn't it a beautiful day, Ava?" She asks her young daughter as she rides her tricycle.

All of a sudden, the daughter looks over into the empty field they are walking along side and sees something strange.

"Mommy, what's that?" The little girl asks.

"That's nothing, honey. It's just a department store man." She says.

After taking a closer look at what is laying in the field, she gasps.

She discovers Elizabeth Short's naked body cut into two with a bloody smile cut from the corners of her mouth.

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