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Connie sits on her bed, while her young lover stands in front of her as she traces his muscles with her finger.

"Can I ask you a question?" Darrien asks.

Connie just looks up to him with a smirk.

"Is it pillow talk?" She asks.

"I don't know what that means."

"No, of course you don't."

"Do you think I can model?" Darrien asks.

Connie just looks at him. "I think...there isn't a closer door in the world that beauty can't open."

Darrien lifts up Connie's face so they are looking exactly into each other's eyes.

"You're beautiful too, you know." Darrien says.

Connie smiles and stands up and asks Darrien to dance with her.

"But there's no music."

"That's alright. We'll make our own." Connie says.

They dance slowly together in the middle of the room to the music that isn't playing, until there's a knock at Connie's bedroom door.

She sighs.

She tries to ignore it, knowing it's only Nicole, but she keeps knocking until she answers the door.

"I told you I was in a business meeting!" Connie says.

"There's a bad man next door!" Nicole yells.

"I know! I don't like him either, but he owns the place and that's that! Now get out of here! Go on! Get out of here!" Connie says as she thinks Nicole is talking about Mike.

Connie closes the door and walks back over to Darrien with a smile.

"It's nothing." She says.

She goes to try and kiss Darrien again, but Nicole knocks on the door again.

Connie opens the door and steps out in the hallway and closes the door behind her.

"What?" Connie asks annoyed.

"He's over there!" Nicole cries.

"Enough with the lies, Nikki! You're a bad girl!" Connie says taking Nicole by the arm and dragging her to the bad girl closet.


"Yes! You don't behave, you go in the bar girl closet!" Connie says opening the closet and shoving Nicole in there before closing the door on her.

"Look at yourself! Look long and hard!" Connie says.

Nicole looks around at all the mirrors on the wall and starts to scream at what she sees of herself.

Connie rests her head against the door listening to her scream and tries to collect herself before going back to her bedroom to Darrien.

Bianca found a bucket to throw up in due to the stomachache from the cupcake.

"This isn't right." She says.

She throws up some more and is now sitting the floor next to the bucket in Mitch's room.

"You guys?" She says getting up and walking out of the room.

"Fiona? I think I need to go to the hospital." She says walking down the long hallway.

She walks into the bathroom where she still hears the water running.

"Maybe we could come back later and finish this."

When she turns to walk into the bathroom, she sees Scott walk past the tub and into the corner behind the shower curtain.

"Hey. Where'd you guys go?" She asks.

Just then, Scott comes up behind her from the hallway and waiting until she turns around to face him before hitting her with the axe in the stomach.

Bianca screams in pain as he swings the axe again.

Bianca then walks out of the bathroom making a blood trail along the walls as she goes to find her friends.

"I hate these latches." The man says trying to put a cross necklace on Nel.

"Too small for my fingers." He says.

"Let me do it." Nel says.

Then he's able to latch the necklace together without Nel's help. "I got it."

He grabs his knife from off the top of the fireplace and cuts Nel's restraints so she can put on the nurses outfit.

"Dress-up Time. Get up!" He demands.

"Don't try anything!" He says.

Nel looks down not wanting to look at the man in front of her.

"Can you turn around?"


"Then I will."

She starts to slowly undress as he talks to her.

"Stupid looking uniform! I totally get why he hated nurses." He says.

Nel then looks down at the firewood poker for the fireplace and starts to get an idea.

The man just stares at her.

Nel then throws the nurses outfit at him and runs for the firewood poker.

The man tackles her to the ground before she could reach her weapon of choice.

He sits on top of her and chokes her as she continues to reach for the poker.

"I don't give a shit how you're dressed!" The man says.

Nel then grabs the bowl laying on the floor from earlier and hit him in the head with it.

Once he's down on the ground, Nel sits on top of him and bashes his head in with the bowl.

She then gets up and goes to look for Mitch.

Nel runs in and out of every room trying to find him, but has no success.

She reaches the upstairs and starts to panic as soon as she sees the blood trail along the wall.

Nel then hears screaming and goes to see the source of it.

Fiona walks Mitch downstairs to the basement with a knife close to his throat just in case he tries to escape again.

They get all the way downstairs and Fiona looks around at everything.

"You better not be messing with me!" She says.

"It's down here. Around the corner." Mitch says pointing at the room on the side of them.

Just then, the lights go out and Fiona panics.

"Where are you!?"

"Over here you stupid bitch!" Scott says coming out of the room in front of her.

Fiona walks forwards to find where the voice is coming from.

She enters the room and sees Scott standing next to the tub filled with water.

"I've already filled it with water for you." Scott says gesturing to the tub.

She walks towards Scott cautiously and keeps her knife in front of her.

As the closer she gets to the tub the more she can see someone laying in the tub.

It's Gladys. The nurse R.Franklin killed years earlier.

Fiona starts to scream in terror as Gladys sits up in the tub looking straight at her.

Scott gives Mitch the signal to run upstairs and go find his mom.

Just as he runs upstairs to the main floor, Nel is running down from upstairs still looking for him.

"Mitch!" Nel yells and gives Mitch a hug.

They both bolt for he front door and outside the house.

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