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Connie sits in a interrogation room angry at the fact she has to be there.

"This is a disgrace. You two...bunglers...have come to harass the one person in this City of Angels who not only has nothing to do with this crime, but is singularly devastated by it. You are interrupting a grieving process that started with the death of my daughter. And now Darrien." Connie explains.

The one detective rights in her notes will the other one looks through Connie's background check in his notes.

"That's right. You have been touched by a fair amount of tragedies. Lots of people dying near you. Let's see, there was your son Beau, was it?" The detective asks while handing over her son's autopsy photos.

Connie takes it and just looks down at it with all those memories coming back into her head.

She tries to shake them off and answer the questions.

"Beauregard was a mere boy. Taken too soon by his condition." Connie softly says.

"Shitload of noise complaints form the neighbors." The other detective says.

Connie wipes some tears away from her eyes.

"He was an exuberant boy. Full of life."

"Until he died of 'natural causes'." The female detective says using air quotes.

"There was Scott, of course, a mass murderer." The male detective says.

Connie clenches her fists as she places them on the table. "I will not sit here and listen to this recitation of torments past. I have grieved enough for two lifetimes. Most people would be broken by the deaths of their children, but my nature would not permit such weakness."

"You're right. Let's not talk about the dead. Let's talk about the missing. Your husband Hugo and your maid Angelica. They disappeared in '83?" He says.

"My husband was unfaithful, that's true." Connie says.

She picks up Angelica missing person's file that was set down in front of her and stares at it blankly.

"You know, I never understood what he saw in her. Perhaps it was her coarseness that he was attracted to. I heard rumors of a love nest somewhere down in Brazil near the equator. But I never pursued them. I am not one to stand in the way of true love. But what does the whereabouts of two adulterers have to do with the murder of my Darrien?" Connie asks.

She becomes more and more frustrated with all of these unnecessary questions they keep asking her.

"See, that's the thing. In 1983, nobody in this department thought they were just missing." The male detective gets up and says as he paces back and forth.

"And the D.A., he was about this close to filing murder charges on you, Ms. Hoying. I read the notes on the case. They think you killed them. All they had to do was find the bodies." He explains further.

Connie sighs and sits forward in her chair.

"But they never found what they were looking for. Because there was nothing to find. My husband ran away from me, from his responsibilities-"

"It never bothered you that he just disappeared?" The female detective asks.

"Once I discovered that he had cheated, Hugo meant no more to me than dog shit." Connie says clinching her jaw tightly."

All of a sudden a lawyer walks into the room and interrupts there investigation.

Taken back, both detective in the room ask what's going on.

Pentatonix: Murder HouseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant