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Next day

Mitch stands in front of his huge mirror in his room looking at himself as he gets ready to go back to school like he promised his dad he would.

After he decides on the right outfit, he walks out his room and downstairs to the front door.

Just as Mitch was about to open the front door, Scott comes up behind him and puts a hand over his mouth so Mike wouldn't hear him scream.

"Shh. Shh. Just listen to me. Listen. Don't be mad. I love you. Spend the day with me. We can play scrabble, if you want. I'll even let you win." Scott says.

He then takes he hand off of Mitch's mouth ans smiles at him.

Mitch sighs.

"I can't. I promised my dad." Mitch says.

"So go tomorrow. It's not like they're gonna miss you for one more day." Scott says.

Scott stares at Mitch for a few seconds before leaning in for a kiss hoping it will change his mind.

"Come on, Mitch." Scott whispers.

Mitch sighs again and smiles back at Scott and follows him up to the attic.


Connie walks up the front stairs on her property up to her house and she sees the detectives from the day before at her house again.

"Ms. Hoying, we have a few follow-up questions." The detective says.

"Not now. This isn't a good time." Connie says trying to brush them off.

"We spoke to the Korean gentleman at the corner store. He remembers your boyfriend and all the awful fights you used to have." The other detective says.

Connie continues to dig through her purse for her keys as she talks to the detectives to get them to leave her alone.

"Oh you know those people at that store are so nosy always asking about peoples business as soon as they walk into that store." Connie says.

As she finds her keys, she pulls them out and also lets the knife she used to threaten Rick will the day before fall out of her purse in front of the two detectives.

They all look down at it and then slowly back up at each other.

"That's a concealed weapon. Why are you carrying that? Maybe because you had reason to visit the colored section of town?" The one detective questions.

"Why don't you come down to the precinct, Ms. Hoying?"


"I knew it! What I tell ya. All these old houses, they got crawlspaces of, like, three feet. It's like a gated community for vermin of every sort. You follow these flies around and you will find the source of the problem." The exterminator says.

Mike watches the man on the floor looking at the tiny slits in the floor where the flies are coming out of.

"Great, more money I gotta spend on this goddamn house that I can't afford." Mike says.

He walks down the hall to his office to get his checkbook and comes back into the living room. "So, can you do it?"

"You are in luck, Mr. Grassi. My last appointment blew me off, so I got an opening on my dance card." He says.

"What's your rate?" Mike asks getting his pen out of his pocket.

"I'm gonna have to get in the crawlspace before I can give you an estimate. But I can tell you this much; for the money, I'm the best exterminator on the market." The guy explains.

Mike sighs and waves a hand at him as he walks to the fireplace to put down his checkbook.

"Okay, man, take a look. Get me an estimate."

Mike then walks to his office and closes the door to have some peace.

Sorry guys this chapter is kind of short. This was kind of a filler chapter, but there will be a longer chapter later! :) ohhh and should I go back updating this everyday or once a week? Let me know in the comments!

Pentatonix: Murder HouseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora