⌀ VII ⌀

143 7 4

Short chapter sorry :(


12:21 AM (Night)

All the children had returned home, settling into their rooms preparing for the night. The two parents had stayed up to make sure everyone returned safely and were at ease when they all came in with happy faces and greeted them well. The two parents went to sleep. They treated the night alone without parental supervision as a means to in what they considered partying, though it was really just silly games around the table in the living room. They had actually been playing Uno...

The ruiner of friendships. They had to make a mental note to quiet down when they met some very annoyed faces walk out of the bedroom. Youngji was having none of this game especially since Jackson kept skipping her turn or reversing right before her turn. Or how Jimin was up to no good, with secret draw four cards sabotaging Jackson for treating Youngji like that. Though, no one had expected the real trouble would come from the shy Japanese girl, Momo.

She had used one of the cards to swap with Mark that had been on Uno for a while, then drew two cards and got extremely lucky with a draw four card. She even deceived Jinyoung Into using his zero to give her cards away then used a seven to take them back and won the game. (Based off a version of Uno I know, It's probably not the Uno you may know)

After they had yelled at each other for almost an hour they decided to head to sleep, Jackson switching rooms with Youngji so he would be alone.

"Goodnight everyone!"



Everyone went to sleep as Mark let Jinyoung come into his room and closed the door.

"So Jinyoungie, what do you want to do?" Mark asks

"I don't know..."

The older sighs, this night won't go anywhere if the younger doesn't know what they want to do.

"Watch a scary movie maybe?" Mark suggested sitting down on the bed.

"Maybe later, Uno was fun though. You're really bad at it" Jinyoung chuckled sitting next to Mark pulling out his phone.

"I DID stack 10 cards onto you, you shouldn't be speaking" Mark chuckled, staring intently at the back of Jinyoung's neck. He looked at the fade of Jinyoung's hair from the back. The color and slight tan line that went across his neck. And the perfect skin complexion with no back acne or any flaws.

"Jinyoung come sit here, the floor is going to hurt your back tommorow," Mark said with care towards the other.

"Alright then." The younger replied. He got up and sat next to Mark, spreading out his legs and tucking himself under the cover. The two siblings were now under the same cover, Jinyoung giving Mark a slight footsie under the cloth, allowing himself to tangle his leg with Mark's. He let the friction of both their legs warm them up from the cool breeze and chill from outside, tied in with the air conditioning.

Jinyoung rest his head on Mark's shoulder scrolling through his phone still. He noticed his cheeks heating up and the slight increase in heartbeat. The sweat that began to build up on the fingerprint of his thumb made it harder to scroll through his instagram feed as the traction increased on his phone device.

"Hyung, we should take a selfie" he said suggesting it, opening the camera app.

"Alright then," Mark said putting his arm around Jinyoung's shoulder, letting Jinyoung's head rest on his own. They did a few poses giggling at the results. "I look so ugly oh my god" Mark said pulling Jinyoung closer to him subtly.

"No you don't! You look so cute in this picture" the younger said, surprised at his own words. He needs to start being more careful. It felt like his heart skipped a beat by simply just saying that by accident.

"Jinyoungie, if anything you're the cute one" he giggled pinching the others soft squishy cheek. Mark used this opportunity to quickly wrap both his arms around Jinyoung's neck, snuggling his head in the crook of the younger's neck.

"You know Mark, I'm jealous how you have an American name. You're lucky your side of the family was american so you could have a one syllable name like that" Jinyoung states trying to hide the wavering tone in his voice. The proximity between the two had grown far too much and Mark was making his heart go far too quick than it should be.

Bewildered by the younger's absurd comment, "Jinyoung is a cute name, it flows out of your mouth like a piece of silk. Mine is so sharp. Mark... It ends so abruptly yours just comes naturally... 'Jinyoung' "

Jinyoung hummed back. Mark was so close with him, his body was almost on top of his own. Jinyoung felt the other's leg sneaking near his, and slid his leg in between Mark's closing it making a leg sandwich, or something of the sort.

"I'm hungry" Jinyoung mentioned, desperately trying to break physical contact with the other. He was about to go crazy. It's not like he had any feeling towards his brother, he just didn't like the feelings he was getting. He couldn't explain it.

"Want sushi?" Mark asked knowing there was some in the fridge outside. (A/N: SUSHI IS ACTUALLY NEVER USED IN FANFICTION?? The only thing I've ever seen people make is Ramen JSJHJSHS)

"Okie, I'll come with you" Jinyoung said getting out of the bed, pocketing his phone adjusting the wrinkles in his pants. He had only just realised he was wearing a lacy white shirt which exposed a lot of his collarbone and tummy. He didn't know where he got it from but it was a soft fabric and was really comfortable... but cold due to all the holes and skin showing.

Mark stood up and began walking to the kitchen before the raven haired boy latched onto his hyung's arm and held it tightly interlacing their fingers. They didn't plan this, it just sort of happened but they tiptoed not to wake anyone else up. He held himself close to his brother, pushing his limits with the skinship. It was really cold, but a perfect excuse to do this.

He hugged the older as Mark took out the sushi and special sauce from the fridge before wrapping it and bringing Jinyoung to the couch. Mark sat down and Jinyoung followed shortly, laying on his side while wrapping his arm around Mark's waist. Jinyoung didn't really know where all this courage was coming from, but he was planning on using the excuses 'it's dark' and 'I'm cold' as well as 'I'm tired' to do this.

"Aah" Jinyoung made a sound inferencing he wanted to be fed. Mark took the small wrap and put it up to Jinyoung's mouth letting him put it down his mouth and bite it, though it looked like Jinyoung was deep-throating a sushi roll---

He crunched down on it and ate it all while snuggling closer to Mark. It definitely wasn't cold anymore. It felt like Jinyoung was burning from the inside out, a raging inferno. Mark had him feeling like this, Jinyoung thought 'I just love Mark as a brother... That's how brothers are supposed to be, right?'



I'll try not to wait an entire 4 months just to update the second half of this chapter ugh i'm so bad at procrastinating but I feel very markjinny right now lolol

Ok luh you guys<3 thanks for reading :) mwah

JSJS i hate myself so cringe ew lol.

1220 Words.

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