Chapter 22 The Vision Comes True

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The next day, morning both Danny and Sam wake up early than they usually time since both have something to do today and both are nervous as well. To Danny he will go to the Ghost Zone and seek out Ember, and try to talk to her & telling his side of the story what happened on that day. To Sam she will try to seduce and win Danny's heart to hoping he will move on to her instead of being sad over his break up with Ember. Sam also knows Danny will talk to Ember today after school and she won't let that happened.

With Sam's new look she will get Danny's attention. Both Danny and Sam got dress and head to school where one of them hopes everything will change, the another one hopes change someone's mind.

Danny is first to arrive at school before Sam, Danny goes to his locker and put some books in it as well getting some books out and put them into his backpack. 

"Hey dude" Tucker say

Danny sees Tucker coming towards him

"Hey Tucker" Danny say

Tucker now stands in front of Danny who is nervous because Tucker now knows of his relationship with Ember after Ember broke up with him

"So...." Tucker say

"Want to talk about it, do you" Danny say

"Yes" Tucker say

"Okay, first question" Danny say

"How long?" Tucker say

"Two months" Danny say

"Two months ????!!!!!" Tucker say

"Yup" Danny say

"How ?" Tucker say

"That day when Valerie attack us, I save Ember from her and well that how it kind of start" Danny say

"So that day you save Ember from Valerie, you fall for Ember" Tucker say

"Yes" Danny say

"Why you didn't tell Jazz or Sam or me ?" Tucker say

"I was scare that you guys didn't accept it thee relationship and force me to make a choice between you guys or Ember" Danny say

"Danny, I get why you didn't want to tell us but we are your friends and sister you should trust us if Ember makes you happy than I'm just fine with it" Tucker say

"Thanks Tucker" Danny say

"So are you going to talk to Ember ?" Tucker say

"Yes, today after school I'm going to tell her my side of the story" Danny say

 "Good, you want me to come with you just in case" Tucker say

"Really ? You do that for me ?" Danny say

"Yes your friend Danny and I have nothing to do after school anyway" Tucker say

"Thanks Tucker" Danny say

"No problem" Tucker say

"Hey where's Sam at ?" Danny say

"Not here yet" Tucker say

"Danny Tucker" Sam say

Danny and Tucker turn round and saw a whole new Sam. Sam is walking down towards Danny and Tucker with all the boys staring at her as she past

 Sam is walking down towards Danny and Tucker with all the boys staring at her as she past

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