Chapter 34 Return to Pariah's Keep

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After deciding to drag Danny instead to the wedding and basely taking hostage of Sam, Tucker, Jazz and Lance Thunder make sure that Danny will stay. After jacking the Fenton Specter Speeder from the Fenton's, they travel far to get to Pariah's Keep where the wedding is at. They make Jazz drive it as Danny is unable to do it.

"How much longer ?" Ember say

"We are almost there Ember" Skulker say

"Well hurry up than" Ember say

"Woman just be patent" Skulker say

Skulker and Ember are sitting up front, Ember is sitting next to Jazz who is driving it Skulker is sitting next to Ember.  While Tucker, Sam, Danny, Ken, Walker and Technus all in the back Tucker is looking at Ken trying to figure out who is he ? Tucker doesn't remember seeing him before. 

Ember is watching Danny out of her the corner of her eye, while Danny is in a telepathy talk or telepathy link with Ken.

"Say the word and I will get us out of here" Ken say through telepathy link

"No not yet" Danny say through telepathy link

"Why ?" Ken say through telepathy link

"I want to know why they invite me to the wedding even if it's tradition to have all ghost to be there" Danny say through telepathy link

"Okay than, are you happy seeing Vlad ?" Ken say through telepathy link

 "WHAT !" Danny say through telepathy link, looks at Ken

"You and the ghost all said that all ghost is invite that means half ones like you, that little girl and Vlad too" Ken say through telepathy link 

"NNNOOO !!!!!!! Not fruit loop" Danny say through telepathy link

 "Yup, spending the day with Count Vlad" Ken say through telepathy link

"Count Vlad ?" Danny say through telepathy link

"Vlad does look like a vampire Danny" Ken say through telepathy link

"He does" Danny say through telepathy link

"Hahaha" Ken say through telepathy link

"Man I wish I though of that" Danny say through telepathy link

"Yeah, Danny your rock star is watching you" Ken say through telepathy link 

"What ? Ember ?" Danny say through telepathy link

"Yup, she have been watching you since we got into this piece crap moving thing whatever it's call" Ken say through telepathy link

"First it's call the Specter Speeder, second are you sure Ember have been staring at me ?" Danny say through telepathy link

"Yes look" Ken say through telepathy link

 Danny looks at Ember who have been staring at him, Danny went back into the telepathy talk or telepathy link

"You right" Danny say through telepathy link

"Yup" Ken say through telepathy link

Danny stares at Ember now who is still staring at him. While Danny and Ember are staring at each other Sam who is watching them her heart is breaking still after spiting them up they still have feelings for each other. Sam decides to break them up for good this time so she can have Danny all to herself and find away to get rid of Ember too.

Sam's heart wants Danny and will do anything to get him even it means betraying his trust. Ken decides to have some fun with Sam

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