Chapter 44 Secrets Out

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 "WHAT !!!!" Danny say

"Danny there take a drink" Ken says handing over the flask to Danny who takes it than drinks out of it.

"Thanks" Danny says to Ken while keeps on drinking, the Box Ghost is standing there waiting along with Lance and Vlad too. 

While Danny is trying clan down with Ken's help all of Amity Park have learn that Danny Phantom is Box Ghost's best man, Paulina is very happy when she learn the truth that he is really the Box Ghost's best man and not the groom himself she could't be any happier. Paulina didn't make the connection before, but with the announcement of Danny Phantom's role in the wedding, Paulina still have her chance with him and will see her future husband in her dream situation    

While Paulina have her little daydream of her wedding to Danny Phantom, all the ghost hunters including Maddie Fenton, Jack Fenton and Valerie, thinks that the ghost boy and Box Ghost are working together after it was reveal he is the Box Ghost's best man minutes ago, who their all though that the Red Huntress/Valerie kill Danny Phantom days ago but that is wrong he survive it. Both Valerie, Jack and Maddie are taking notes wanting to learn more about the ghosts, Ghost Zone and the ghost child too. 

Valerie groaned, "I though I kill him" Valerie say

"Damn it" Valerie say

"I see he survive the Red Huntress attack" Maddie say

"Yup now are we going to kill him this time but for good" Jack say

"We will find away but first we have to get Jazz, Sam and Tucker out of there before we could kill him" Maddie say

"Oh yeah" Jack say

"If Jazz, Sam and Tucker are there than where is Danny at ?" Maddie say

"Oh yeah I don't see him, he is probably at Vlad's " Jack say

 "Maybe" Maddie say

Back to Pariah's Keep, Danny is freaking out after learning he is Box Ghost's best man at his own wedding. Danny is also drinking too. Danny turns to Box Ghost who is standing there waiting

"Why ?" Danny say

"Why what ?" Box Ghost say

"Why you make me your best man for ? We hate each other we are enemies" Danny say

"Cause I been thinking who will be perfect for this position and none of the ghosts measure up but than someone told me to use you as my best man and I listen too that someone. And I want you to suffer as well HAHAHA " Box Ghost say

"Awe, wait who is this person who told you to use me as your best man ?" Danny say

"It was Ember" Box Ghost say

"Ember ? As in my ex ?" Danny say

"Yes that is the Ember" Box Ghost say

"Why Ember did it ?" Danny say

"Danny" Ken say

Danny looks at Ken, "Ember got her revenge on you by making you Box Ghost's best man so you be miserable" Ken say

"Damn wait how you know Ember will do that ?" Danny say

"Well Danny I'm very revengeful person that what I have done if someone have cheat on me, plus what good way to make your ex miserable by making him to be the most annoying ghost as his best man. You did learn from the best to be revengeful when you need to be" Ken say 

"Let me guess you" Danny say

"Yes of course" Ken say

"Haha" Danny say

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