Chapter 37 Ember Rethinks

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Ember leads Danny to his tailor for the day, on the way there Danny and Ember are staring at each other missing they relationship. They are outside of the door when they are hearing some yelling going on.

Danny opens the door and see Ken and the Ghost Tailor yelling at each other

"Why not you crazy old bat" Ken say

"Long jackets doesn't work for both a tux and a wedding" Ghost Tailor say

"Yes it does" Ken say

"How you know that ?" Ghost Tailor say

"I wear long jackets to other weddings before old lady" Ken say

"Well too bad you are not getting one" Ghost tailor say

"Why you little" Ken say

"Ken" Danny say

Ken and Ghost Tailor stop and sees they have some people watching them

"Oh hey Danny finally came over here" Ken say

"Yup" Danny say

"Can my tux be completely black than ?" Ken say

"If that will shut you up than fine" Ghost Tailor say

"Ya" Ken say

"Here boy" Ghost Tailor say, hands Ken his tux

"Thanks old bat haha" Ken say

Ken went to change

Ghost Tailor turns to the group

"Now who's next ?" Ghost Tailor say

"He is" Ember say, point at Danny

"You" Ghost Tailor say

"Me ?" Danny say

"Come" Ghost Tailor say

"Help" Danny say

The Ghost Tailor grab Danny and drag him into the room. Walker and Technus went to get dress leaving Ember lone

"I miss you Danny" Ember say

"He also miss you to" Ken say

Ember turns around and see Ken standing there

"He always talks about you when ever we are together" Ken say

"Really ?" Ember say

"Oh yeah he even talks in his sleep and I always hear your name all the time" Ken say

Ken left Ember

Ember rethinks maybe she should give Danny a second chance he really do miss her like she miss him too.

Ember see that Sam, Tucker, Jazz, Skulker and Lance are coming. Sam and Jazz are talking while Lance film them

"So this Ken is evil and you want to get rid of him" Jazz say

"Yes, he show me his fangs and calling me a bitch" Sam say

"And he is controlling Danny too" Tucker say

"He is ?" Jazz say

"Yes" Sam say

"Plus he is fast too" Skulker say

"Yeah" Tucker say

"So will you help us" Sam say

"Okay, I need help anything to save Danny" Jazz say

"We got Ember, Skulker and you so far" Sam say

"Hope the rest of Danny's allies and enemies will agree to help us" Tucker say

"The more help we get is better" Sam say

"Yup" Tucker say

"Where's Danny ?" Sam say

"He is getting fitting for his tux while the other 3 get dress" Ember say

"Danny a tuxedo ?" Tucker say

"Yup. You, goth girl and Jazz will also getting a tux and dresses to" Ember say

"What ?" Sam say

"You three are in the wedding" Ember say

"We are ?" Tucker say

"Yup" Ember say

"Cool so I'm going to get a dress" Jazz say

"Yup" Ember say

"Mine better be black" Sam say

"If she still have some leftover" Ember say.

Ember get away from everyone wanting to be alone for awhile. Ember rethinks some more

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