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A/N:This is a bit of a filler chapter, and it's all I got right now. I'm sort of drained with these classes, but my schedule and brain will clear after next week. So maybe I can give you more later. Enjoy beautifuls!

Chapter Title: 5

Pairings:Bilbo x wife!hobbit!reader

Summary: You enter Rivendell and encounter some old friends.

Warnings: maybe fluff, filler chapter

After they scouted out the troll hoard(Gandalf gave you a weapon), and you ran into wargs, and the infamous Radagast the Brown, you all found yourself in Rivendell. "Bilbo. It's beautiful," you whispered to him so that Thorin couldn't hear you.

You didn't care if he heard you though, but you didn't want to make him any more upset with you. I mean you just got finished telling his dumb behind off in front of the whole company, so he might be miffed. You were greeted by Lindir, an old friend(how you knew him was a whole other story). "Hello, Y/N. It is good to see you again, old friend." Bilbo quirks a brow.

"Hello, Lindir. It is good to see you again as well." You can practically feel Thorin shooting daggers at you with his eyes.

He starts talking to Gandalf, and you just stood there feeling a little awkward not knowing what to do. The sound of horns got the attention of you and the rest of the company. They push you and your husband behind them in a protective circle, and Thorin starts yelling words in Khuzdul. You have no idea what he said or what's going on. Then you hear a familiar voice say "Gandalf."

Gandalf responds with "Lord Elrond. Mellon nin! Mo evínedh? (My friend! Where have you been?)"

They start talking, and Lord Elrond turned around to face all of you. He said "Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain."

And Thorin says "I do not believe we have met."

Lord Elrond says "You have your grandfather's bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled under the Mountain."

Then Thorin and his infamous charm says "Indeed; he made no mention of you."

You facepalmed which caught the attention of Lord Elrond. "Lady Y/N, it is lovely to see you again."

"You as well, Lord Elrond." you respond. Thorins glare intensifies.

"Nartho i noer, toltho i viruvor. Boe i annam vann a nethail vin.(Light the fires, bring forth the wine. We must feed our guests)" Lord Elrond says.

The dwarves thought that they had been insulted, until Gandalf said otherwise. Lord Elrond provided you with a bath and some fresh clothing, as well as your husband. He also gave the two of you a guest chamber and that is where the two of you slept.

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