Chapter 1.

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"Why can't you just leave me here ?" I begged my mum for the thousand time today.

"C'mon Ellie your dad and I want you with us"

"It's not like that you're going to spend any time with me anyway" they are going to Florida for the whole summer vacation, for work. When I say work I mean waking up early, leaving for work, coming home late, leaving me alone all day long!

Well, I can't deny that I'm excited. I love going to new places and all this stuff. I just don't want to spend my summer there, All of it! I will not be able to hangout with my friends.

Two hours passed and we're already leaving. I'm really tired that I may sleep in the way to Florida, which is something I'm using to every single time we go anywhere.

This is one of the times I hate my life for not having siblings. Seriously, we could've spent our time there together. It would've been much better than spending it watching TV!

After god-knows-how-long flight we're finally in Florida, the weather is nice here actually. And the fact that our home is right in front of the beach is making things even better.

"Amazing view you've got here" mum entered my room

"Yea, I'm loving this place" I admitted

"Told you" no mum, I really prefer if I stayed back home

"Not that much, though"

"I and your dad will be watching a movie, if you want to join" she said before leaving the room

It's way too late now and I really need some sleep, I for somehow couldn't sleep in my way here.

I opened my balcony, turned the lights off, and let myself sleep to the perfect moonlight.


The sun sends it's rays straight to my eyes. Yea good morning to you too.

"Good morning, honey"

"morning mum, dressed up already?" Such a brilliant summer!

"Yea, we're leaving now, your breakfast is ready."

"When are you coming back?" Don't be late, please. Just don't be late.

"At 4 or so, we don't finish till 3 and half" great. Now I am going to spend 8 hours by my own. Like seriously can this vacation get any worse ?

"Can I go out ?"I asked

"just don't get yourself lost" she teased. Or didn't I'm not quite sure. I' am familiar with getting myself lost anyway, plus I've never been to Florida before.

"I'll keep that In mind" I smiled at her

After spending almost 4 hours, doing nothing I decided to go to the beach.

I took the short way to the beach (which is the balcony) and of fucking course I fell right on my butt. Stupid me.

I sit near to the sea as possible as I can making sure that I don't get wet. And of fucking course I got myself wet because I was way to near. Stupid Me!

And all of a sudden I saw something! Hot Guy. I mean like really hot guy! He's really hot, OMG!

I should really stop staring at the poor guy.

I'll stop any time now.

Coming soon.

Seriously Ellie don't stare at him he's going to catch you.

Okay now I'm focusing on my phone.

Staring at the guy.

Focusing on my phone.

A summer story. -Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now