Chapter 3.

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The atmosphere here is really exciting. Like you enter this place and know that something is going to happen. 75% of the people are drunk to their ass. 15% are in their way. And the other 10% are enjoying the show, just like ourselves.

The walls are all covered in yellow neon while the counter is blue neon. Everything here is neon, really neon. The neon that may cause serious damage to your eyes.

Everybody's dancing, even zayn and sam are shaking it in their seats.

"Crazy place, isn't it?" Zayn shouted over the music.

"Yea, it's like those neons are controlling your body." I started laughing. Just looking at the way zayn is dancing-while-sitting makes me want to laugh even harder.

"What?" He giggled.

"Look at yourself, amazing dance skills." I gave him a thump up 

"Not too bad yourself" he teased back, giving me a look. And that's when I realized I was dancing as well.

Whenever I stop laughing I look at zayn and start laughing all over again, 'causing him to join me. I swear, I'm not that drunk. I didn't even drink too much, did I?

"Where's sam?"His scanned the place.

i nodded my head towards the dance floor " i really don't trust those neon lights." I chuckled lightly. Ok, I am drunk.

" Leave it to my sister to be such a clown, whenever she drinks." He let a breath. "Now she's going to vomit all night long."

I giggled. " she's such a cool girl."

" Define 'cool'." He raised an eye brow

" Cool like in.... cool, you know! "

" Yeah, whatever." He looked back at his sister before smiling. " Do you want to dance?"

" You were complaining a few seconds ago about your sister, weren't you?" I raised my eyebrowa at him.

" I wasn't complai- just c'mon" he pulled me to the dance floor.


"Hey, sam, Ellie. Wake up!" Someone shakes my shoulder. "Wake up, we arrived"

I opened my eyes to the ceiling of zayn's car. I'm in the back seat, my head's on sams' lap and hers on my shoulder . " I don't remember falling asleep." Sam mumbled while rubbing her head. Neither do I.

" I bet you remember anything" he said quietly. " C'mon" he helped sam. Out of the car, then me.

Sam rushed to the door, I think if we have arrived one minute latter she could've vomited on her mothers' carpet.

" c'mon let's go inside" zayn but his hands around my shoulder, waking those little butterflies up.

"No, I have to go home." I ignored my rushing heartbeats.

" Just c'mon. Your parents called, I tolled them that you're staying with us tonight, you can sleep with sam. She'll be busy vomiting, anyway."

"okay, Thank you." I gave up. I'm not up for a walk right now, anyway.


And he's right. Whenever I close my eyes they're opened by sams' voice throwing up. The poor girl didn't stop the whole night.

"Sam" I called "is there anything I can do?" I asked her, through the bathroom door.

"Some water, maybe" she said weakly.

I feel like a zombie, walking half-asleep to bring her water.

"Here." I gave her the water.

"Sorry for waking you up" she said apologizing.

A summer story. -Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now