Chapter 2.

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"Hey, mum" I entered the house.

Mum rushed to me like I'm kind of treasure or something " oh, thank god, Ellie" she let out a breath. "Where were you? You got me worried."

" I was with a friend. Didn't lose my way, did I ?" I winked at her playfully.

" I thought you did. And you forgot your phone."

"And the keys." I add

She gave me that you're-such-little-silly-girl look.

"So, you were saying 'friend'? " she asked making her way to the living room as I followed.

"Yea, Sam. I met her today. She seems lovely." I informed her.   "Where's my dad?" I looked around searching for him.

"He went to bring some food."

"You just reminded me that I'm hungry" I said as my mum chuckled.

I've always wanted to be like my mum. She's such an elegant lady, loving wife and caring mother, She's more like a friend than mother, actually.


I spent the next day completely by my own. I checked a couple of times, to see if Sam and Zayn came to the beach today, but they didn't.

So,I spent all the time watching TV, eating, or texting my friends.

I heard footsteps climbing the stairs. Coming closer and closer.... And I panicked.

"Here you are." I jumped at the voice

"Oh my god dad, you scared me" I put my hand over my chest trying to catch my breath."Didn't know you were coming early today"

"Thought you would want to join me for a volleyball game" did I mention my dad always gives me the best surprises ever ? He gives me some little heart attacks as well.

"That's why you're the best"

"I am, indeed" he said proudly "I'll wait you by the beach till you're changed"


"No, dad. That's unfair"

"It is, babe. I'm just better than you, Deal with it Ellie" he won for the third time. I'd say he's cheating but I know better. He'd always been good at volleyball, football, and basketball. Well, every sport that depends on a ball actually.

" Up for another game? Maybe luck is by my side this time" I asked him

"Sure. I enjoy beating you, anyway." he challenged playfully as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh hey" I waved at Sam and Zayn as I spotted them.

"your friends?" My dad asked

"Yea, kind off"

"Would you guys like to play with us" my dad waved at them with the volleyball.

"That'd be lovely" they joined us

"Dad, this is Sam, and this's Zayn"

"I'm jack. Zayn, you and I against the ladies." He informed. "Can you play volleyball, young man?" my dad asked Zayn.

"Watch me" he smirked, proudly.

"It's gonna be boys VS.. Girls then. Let's go beat them, girl." Samantha said giving me a highfive.

" I doubt it with my father in the enemy's' team."

We played 3 matches. They won two. At least one is better than nothing.

"Good game boy" dad tapped zayns' back

"Just because he's in your team doesn't mean you compliment him." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"stop denying it, Ellie. I'm perfect." his gaze touched mine. And I can almost feel his touch. I feel it in my stomach, anyway.

"Having fun without me, already?" Mum called from the balcony, tearing our gazes apart.

"I'm not, am I?" Dad faked a sad face, the same time I yelled "yes, he's"

"Alright, no more fun. Enough for today. An old fellow can only play too much" dad said dramatically.

"Maybe we can play again another time?" Zayn offered

"Maybe, another time."Dad confirmed, making his way back to the house.

My dad went back to the house. Zayn followed him to fetch some water.


"You know why did I bring only one bottle instead of three? " Zayn asked.   " watch" he opened the bottle and drank more than half of it "you can share this" he gave us the almost-empty bottle " winners get the best "   he said before laughing like it was the most hilarious thing in the world.

Sam took the bottle from his hand and the water is now covering zayns' face.

All of a sudden Sam is thrown in the sea and Zayn is running back to me.

"Oh my god Zayn, No, stop" I ran away from him in-not-so attractive way.

" I'm way faster than you" he yelled chasing after me.

I trapped over my own feet giving him the best chance to carry me back to the water. Stupid me.

"Zayn, stop! THAT'S NOT FUNNY! You drank my water, I didn't drink yours, remember?" I literally yelped in his ears.

" Maybe you're right " he turned his way back. Still carrying me bridal style.

"Oh. thankyou!" I let a breath in relief. Sam is watching us in laughter.

"Don't believe that you changed his mind" she warned between laughter.

"Wha-" And just as fast I'm cut off by Zayn throwing me in the water only causing Samantha's laughter to get louder. And his own self to fall from laughing.

If I wasn't so angry with him right now I'd say that he laughs in adorable way, Just if I wasn't so angry.

we spent the rest of the day laughing and playing, me and Samantha took our revenge from Zayn, of course. We even had a sand-fight, like seriously is this even a something ?


It's been a week now. Me, Zayn and Samantha are hanging around all the time.

" Don't you sometimes feel like that you want to kiss him? " Sam ( being herself) keeps on saying that there's something between me and Zayn.

"Oh my god Sam." I rolled my eyes. " You won't ever stop, will you?"

" Not unless you both admit it. I know that you like him, I can see it in your eyes. I knew it from the first time we met you-" and that's when she received a pillow in her face.

" Keep pushing and you're dead" I said damn serious.

I swear I was. 'till she started laughing.

" Don't worry, I know him well enough to know that he likes you too" Does he?

" I don't like him, Samantha. I DON'T " I lied. I do feel something for him actually, but I don't think he does feel the same.

"Whatever you say." She finally ended that awkward conversation.

"I'm back, ladies. Shall we go?" Oh, hi Zayn! We weren't talking about you at all.

"Finally. thought you would not finish that shower today" Samantha replied rudely

"Just because my sister doesn't shower at all, doesn't mean I should be nasty as well" he replied with the same tone Sam Used.

" Where do you ladies want to go?" Zayn looked at us through the rare-view mirror

" What about a club or something?" I suggested.

"Yea, let's go to the club" Sam agreed.

A summer story. -Zayn MalikМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя