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Do you know what it's like to look in the mirror, and hate what you see?

To feel like you can't do a thing right.

That if you left this earth no one would care?

Like you could become invisible, and no one would even notice.

Or maybe you already are invisible.

Maybe you walk through life wanting to be noticed.

Wanting someone to care.

Someone to save you.

I have spent my whole life feeling like an outcast.

Being hit, kicked, screamed at, beaten, all for who I am.

I am tired of being alone.

I know I am not alone in this.

I want to help other's.

I don't want to be invisible anymore, and I'm sure you don't want to be either.

Together we can take a stand.

I don't want to be this way.

I want to look in the mirror, and see the beauty that everyone else see's.

I am tired of being bullied.

I am tired of crying until it hurts.

Causing myself pain to mask how I am feeling.

I just can't do this anymore.

It has to get better than this.

One person can make a difference, but together we can change the world.

InvisibleWhere stories live. Discover now