Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I sit here in the dark crying.

Why I do not know.

I feel alone as if no one can hear me.

I feel a break.

Is that my heart?

Has the last piece finally broken.

I feel the darkness consume me.

It's going to swallow me up.

All my fears are hitting me at once.

I feel like a child that needs someone to tell me I am safe.

Love can not set me free this time.

No this time it is my curse.

It is the nail in my coffin.

It has created this blackness in my soul.

It has changed me.

I reach out my hand, but no one is there to pull me back.

I feel as if I am falling.

Is this how it's suppossed to be?

Is this my end?

Why I cry?

What have I done to be given all this pain?

I can't take it anymore.

I am not strong enough.

Spare me, oh please spare me from this darkness.

I want to see the light.

I want out of the darkness.

Everytime I think I am fine I get pulled back down.

I have faught for so long.

I don't think I have it in me anymore.

I hear this voice telling me to just give up.

It get's louder, and louder every day.

That voice has destroyed me it has taken my heart, my soul, my life away from me.

This is how I feel every day struggling with bi- polar thought I would share it with all of you......

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