Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I looked in the mirror today, and for the first time I didn't hate what I saw.

I tried to look past the flaws I always see.

To the beauty everyone else says they see.

Could I really be considered beautiful?

I look down at my stomach, and see fat.

I look at my face, and see a double chin.

My hips are big.

My butt is well huge.

My thighs nolonger have a gap between them.

My boobs well no complaints there I guess.

My eyes are amazing.

They hold so much mystery.

My smile well I don't smile.

My teeth are crooked.

I am not perfect.

So could someone like me ever be beautiful?

I hear all the time how great I am.

How beautiful I am.

Why can't I see it?

Why do I hate myself so much?

Why do I feel like nothing?

I ask myself these questions over and over, but I never come up with an answer.

I'm tired of feeling like nothing.

I have someone that loves me.

I have amazing friends why can't I be happy?

Is something wrong with me?

Am I broken?

Can I be fixed?

Do I want to be fixed?

I guess that's the question.

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