Training and Results

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As Deku arrived from the park, he was met by a worried mother. "Son! Where were you?"she asked as she was on the verge of tears. "It's okay mom really."the kid said reassuringly. "I saw the news! I thought you were in danger."his mom said. "It's okay. A hero arrived and saved me."he said as his eyes were beaming as he replayed the punch Saitama did in his mind. "Who is it son? Is it Allmight?"his mom asked as she saw her son's expression. "No." "I knew he would be there fo- Wait what!?"she asked as she couldn't believe what her son just said. "It wasn't him."he said as her mom gawked at him for using 'him' on describing his idol. "T-t-then who was it son?"his mom asked curiously with a bit of confusion.

"It was Saitama. A cool hero!"he said as he was jumping with joy causing his mother to calm down. "He's quirkless."he said as his mom couldn't believe again what her son just said. "Wh-wha-what? Quirkless?" "Yeah! He even told me how I can become a hero even though I'm quirkless!"he said as his mom hugged him with tears of joy falling down. She was so happy that her son can become who he wanted, a hero. A hero that saves the poeple with a fearless smile. He now can be like what he wanted. And as a supporting mother, she's ready to be his aid no matter what.

"Izu~! Now, what do we need to do?"his mom said as she looked at her son. He then explained the training regime he and Saitama talked about. His mom understands and smiled at her son as he smiled back. "Okay son. Let's have dinner, I made Katsudon!" "Thanks mom!"he said as he gave her mom a hug before heading to the kitchen and made dinner. They ate and went to bed early. Excited for the training tomorrow.

Deku rose up at 3 AM as he was excited on fis first day in exercise. "Mom! Wake up!"he said to his mom as he was shaking her. "Ok son, I'll be there in a sec!"his mom said as she got up and changed her clothes. They then went to the park and started some warm ups. After that they went jogging together, then doing some push-ups and sit-ups. Deku at first was terrible in doing those exercises, but a few days later, he got the hang of it. They continued thair exercise for the following month, increasing the desired distance and counts on his exersise. A year later, he was on the verge of giving up. His body and mind was exhausted from the training regime he got. "Son you can do it!"his mom cheered as she passed him a bottle of water and a towel. "Thanks mom! I really needed that."he replied as he gave her mom a hug and started running again. 'I know you can do it.'his mom thought as she saw her son running around the park as she sat at a bench. Four years later, he rescued a little girl who was abused by the yakuzas. It was a bit difficult because he just had like 20% of his current strenght that can already surpass Allmight's strenght a lot but still managed to made it out alive. The girl then lived with them and looked at Deku as he was her own big brother and started calling him 'Deku-nii' which he liked and loved by he himself.

A few years later at middle school...

"Who needs to review the papers!? You all have wonderful quirks!"their teacher said as he threw the papers up high as the students showed their quirks. "Hey Teach! Don't compare me with these fucks!"a boy with ash blonde hair as he said as he stood up from his seat and showed little explosions with his quirk, shutting up the students on the process. "Yeah, Midoriya, you want to go to U.A. too right?"the teacher said as the students laughed at him. "Him going to Yuuei, yeah right? "Him? He's quirkless!" "You got that right!" Insults were here and there as they were silenced by Bakugou exploding the table where the quirkless boy was as Deku flew a bit away and landed on the floor. "Don't make me laugh Deku!"he scowled as he looked down at him with explosions on his hands.

"And who are you to judge that Bakugou?"he replied with an expressionless voice shocking everyone espescially Bakugou. "Figures."he said as he picked himself up and passed Bakugou who was still shocked and took a seat. He then soon took a seat and resumed as the shocked teacher resumed the class. Bakugou couldn't believe he just called him with his last name. They were childhood friends back then. Just what happened to him? He noticed this a month ago.

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