Beach Time

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The middle school years had ended quickly, giving the students 10 months to decide on their school for their high school. Most of them just wanted to be on a normal school as others pursue their dreams on being a hero. Bakugou and Deku were the ones who will attempt to get into U.A. on their school. On the Midoriya residence...

It was a quiet, peaceful morning. The siblings are still on their bed, sleeping oh so quiet. Inko had just made them breakfast and is now going upstairs to wake up the two. "Izuku, Eri, breakfasts ready!"as soon as she said that, the two sprang out of the bed in unison and ran down the stairs together. "Morning mom!"the two happily said in unison as they sat at the table. "Morning!"she happily replied as they began to have their breakfast.

"Thanks for the meal!"the two said in unison again making their mom chuckle. "Anything for my sweet angels."she said as she picked up the plates and washed them at the kitchen. The two then went on to watch TV together. They were laughing out loud due to them watching a very hilarious program. "Pfft-hahahah!"they both laughed as they saw a man on the TV slipped on a rock and fell on a lake. Afterwards the program, it was plain boring ass channels that followed that made them groan in unison. Their mom noticed this and though of a plan.

"How about we go to the beach?"she said behind the two as their eyes were beaming with excitement as they looked at their mom. "Really!?"they said as they got a nod from their mother. "Yay!"they cheered as they are jumping up and down making their mom's heart melt at the enjoying sight. 'I wonder how I got the greatest family on the world.'she thought as she wiped a single tear of joy on her eye for how great her family is. They prepared their stuff for their outing and as soon as they were done, they headed out to the said beach.

"We are going to the-"Deku said as he points at Eri. "Beach!" "To the-" "Beach!" "To the-" "Beach!"Eri happily said as their chanting coninued for a minute or two. The people who noticed this made their hearts melt at the sight of the happy siblings. As they arrived,  they were surprised that the once called 'Dagobah Beach' now became a junkyard full of destroyed stuff. "What happened here!? It wasn't like that when we were here last time."Inko said as she got a tug on her side. "Will we get to the beach?"Eri asked as her eyes were starting to tear up. Deku noticed this and felt sad that Eri's feelings were hurt.

"Mom, why don't you take Eri for some ice cream."he said. "Why dear? We are heading ho-" "I'll clean this place up so don't worry ok Eri?"he said as he knelt down in front of Eri while his mom noticed the determination on his eyes. "Sure thing dear. Come on Eri, we'll come back after he's done cleaning."she said as Eri nodded and took her hand and waved at Deku. Deku happily waved back and looked at the junk yard.

"This won't take long."he said as he began his cleaning. He lifted things with ease. Even a mountain of junk piles were so easy, he didn't break a sweat. The people who happened to pass by had a shocked faces. 'How can a kid lift things with ease!?'they all thought in unison. But soon turned to happy faces knowing that someone is caring for the beach and proceeded to be on their ways.

A blonde skinny man passes by wearing a big cloak with a scarf wrapped on its neck and big baggy pants that would define him as a man with no fashion. He walks by the beach while taking a sip on his coffee. He then saw the boy making him spit his coffee that was residing in his mouth. 'Wh-what exellence! What strenght! He's perfect for being my successor!'he thought as he smirked a bit and continued walking.


"Aaaannnd... Done!"he said as he got the last of the junk and appreciated the beauty of the Beach he just cleaned up. "Now I have to wait for-" "Deku-nii!"he was cut off from Eri shouting and waving in one hand as she had an ice cream on her other hand. "Oh Eri! Great timing!"he said as he happily waved back. The two girls then walked to the boy as they looked at the beach on it's bright sky blue color spread across.

"Thank you for cleaning up the beach Deku-nii! "she happily said as she gave out a warm hug to the freckled boy. "Anything for my Eri-chan."he said as he happily held her up high as they both let out chuckles making anyone's heart melt to the point where it would evaporate. "Now. Let's go!"he said as he put down Eri. "The last one to the water is a chicken!"Eri said as she began running. "Hey! No fair!"he replied as he too began running. His mom stood there, enjoying the heartwarming sight but she too began running as she remembered what Eri said just moments ago. "W-W-Wait for me!"she said as she tried to chase down the two.

In the end, the girls won and Deku was dubbed as 'chicken' due to him tripping on a stone that caused him to face plant on the sand that buried his face as the two lauged especially Eri. She was rolling on the sand as she couldn't contain her laughter. "Pfft-hahahaha!"she laughed while his mom let out a chuckle on the sight of her son's head popping out of the sand like mole emerging on its hole.

Deku seeing her signature bright smile made him chuckle a bit in knowing they were happy. Falling on the sand didn't bother him a single bit, knowing that his family is happy, he is happy too. And as the man of their family, he will keep it that way no matter what. He then let out a smile as he got up and walked up to the two and began enjoying the newly cleaned beach.

They were enjoying the time they had on the said beach as they did numerous activities. They built a huge sand castle all thanks to Deku and his skills in such thing making Eri beam with happiness as she saw the castle. After that they went swimming, followed by lunch due to their stomachs growling in hunger but soon felt great from their mom's amazing cooking skills. "Thanks for the meal!"they said as they gave their mom a hug and dashed for the waters.

The day then ended as they were walking back home. Eri was carried by a piggyback ride by Deku as she was tired from playing. They then reached home and went to take baths and prepare dinner. They had prepared dinner and all that was left to do was to wake up Eri and eat together.

"Eri, wake up. Dinner's ready."her mom said as she didn't listen and continued snoring. "Come now Er-" "Mom! Mom! I have an idea!"Deku said to his mom as she could only nod and went down first. Deku got a bowl of a warm Katsudon and motioned it near Eri's nose. Eri then took a sniff as her hands began to wave around trying to get the bowl. Deku smirked as his plan was working. Tempting to get the bowl, Eri rose up with her arms straight on the front as if she was a zombie rising while wiping the crusts on her eye to see.

As soon she did and looked around, she saw Deku holding the bowl. "Come Eri, let's have dinner."Deku said as he motioned her to come down that she happily obliged and went down to have dinner.

After that, they went to sleep as the moon took over the cold night.

1376 words

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