Side Jobs

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A/N:Hey Bros! This might get a bit mature-ish but nonetheless, enjoy! Also, I changed the name Deku into Izuku so no one gets confused!


The following weeks were enjoying. They went to the beach more often, filling up the boredom on the long days. They too went to the park sometimes for picnics and outdoor activities. They only need each other and no one else to be content. One day at the Midoriya residence...

They were out for grocery shopping, heading back to the counter to pay for the stuff they brought. Izuku stopped for a bit as he took a glance at a certain item at a certain shop. His mother and sister noticed this as well as they stopped too, looking at the boy and wonder. They noticed this surprising behavior a few weeks back ago when they went shopping and every time they pass at the shop, he wound look at the 'item' and proceed to walk with them again. 'Could he?'Inko though as she looked at her son who just started walking towards them.


Izuku was on the living room, watching TV. Inko and Eri sneaked into the front door from who knows where with a what seems to be a black box and a paper bag with them as they looked at Izuku while they tried to hide the box by connecting sideways to hide it on their backs. They felt relieved that they weren't spotted by him as he was distracted by the television. "Phew... He didn't notice us. Now, let's begin. Eri, could you get me the gift wrapper please?" Inko asked as she prepared the stuff they needed. "Sure!"Eri replied as she went upstairs to get the said wrapper.


They just entered the shop Izuku was glancing as they were met by a sales lady. "Hello ma'am, welcome to our shoe store! How may I help you?"the sales lady said as Inko looked around to see the pair of shoes her son was looking. "I would like to buy that pair."she said as she pointed at the said pair. "Oh.. I see. Well today is your lucky day! If you purchase this, you can have 3 free t-shirts depending on the sizes and designs you want!"she said as she clasped her hands together. "Ohh! Thats even better!"she replied as she then proceeded to pay for the shoes. The price wasn't expensive, it was rather a bit above normal but it didn't bother her. "Thank you! Come again!"the lady said as the two exited out with the shoes put in a black box and the shirts on a paper bag. All that was needed was to head home and wrap it up for it to be given to Izuku.


All was set. The box now wrapped with green and white stripes, finishing it of with a green ribbon that was nicely tied on top the box. The t-shirt hidden in the back by Eri's hands while they were nearing at the green haired individual. "Son? We've got something for you!" "What is it mom?"he asked as she and Eri presented the gifts. "You were eyeing this for so long and this is a big thanks for in cleaning up the beach."she said. "And thanks for being the best brother anyone can ask for!"Eri followed as she gave Izuku a hug only to be hugged back happily by he himself.

"Anything for my family."he said as Inko joined in which he happily accepted that made him tear up a bit. "Now..."Inko said as she broke the heartwarming hug. "It's time to open the present!"she said in excitement as Izuku nodded in agreement and began to tear the gift wrapper. As he did, he saw the box and stared at ot for a moment but soon opened it. As he did his eyes widened with joy and excitement. It was the shoes, the pair of shoes that he wanted for a bit long time right before his eyes. It had a dark green in color.

 It had a dark green in color

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