Chapter 8: He's Awake

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As I opened the door, so many thoughts were racing through my brain I couldn't even pinpoint what they were about. They just kept racing through my brain  one after another at lightning speed that as soon as I tried to grasp one it had already slipped away, too fast to catch up to. 

When the door was fully opened, I didn't even realize my eyes were closed until I heard his voice, "Who's there?"

My eyes flew open and my heart clenched painfully at the tremble in Jeremy's voice, and the heartbroken look did nothing to ease my worries.

I flew instantly to the side of his bed and grabbed his hand, wincing as he flinched, "Jer" I whispered.

He relaxed as he heard my voice, "Rach" his lower lip began to tremble so I made my way onto the bed beside him and cradled him in a hug.

"Shhhh, it's okay Jer, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere so just let it all out, it's okay"

That's all it took for my boyfriend, who had always been so strong and put up such a good front, to crumble into tears in my arms.

"It-it's not fair! Rachel, it isn't FAIR!" he started sobbing into my elbow, "what did I do, Rachel? Tell me what I did to deserve this?!"

The fact that he started blaming himself is what finally pushed me over the edge. I pulled back a bit so that we were both sitting up and I gently cupped his face, wiping his tears as they streamed down his cheeks, some soaking into the bandage, "Jeremy Fuller, you listen to me right now. This was not your fault. Nothing you did made this happen, alright? That man in the other car is what caused this, and you had better bet that he will see proper punishment for doing this to someone as sweet, kind-hearted, and handsome as you. Don't for one second think that you did this to yourself, that you deserve it, because nobody does, and I'm sorry that it happened to you. But I want to be there for you. I'm never leaving you. I promise"

He raised his head a tiny bit, and I imagined he was trying to look at me, "Promise?" he asked, holding out his pinky like we always did when one of us promised something.

I linked my pinky to his, grinning, "Promise"

A small grim came across his face for a split second and I mentally cheered. But, as quickly as it came, it was gone, and he laid back down. I followed him, and cradled his head back into the crook of my arm, "Penny for your thoughts?" I whispered into his ear.

He shivered slightly, but kept his head still as I stroked his hair, "Everything's gonna be so different now" he whispered, "I guess I'm just scared"

My heart clenched once again as his words brought out the one constant thought I'd been having since we found out he was blind, "I know, Jer. I know" and for that brief moment we were just two kids in love, scared of the future.


Eventually Jeremy felt asleep, so I carefully wriggled out of the bed and crept out of the room. 

The second I opened the door, everyone crowded me with questioning looks, wondering how he was doing, "He's okay, he fell asleep and I didn't want to disturb him so I left"

"How is he, though, mentally?" Miranda asked.

I sighed, "He's scared, of course, but I don't think it's really settled in yet that he'll have to deal with this probably for the rest of his life. He honestly just needs time, and support, which I know everyone will give him" all of Jeremy's family members started nodding, along with Aiden and Chase in the corner.

"Anyways, someone else should probably go in there just so that he's not alone wen he wakes up" Jeremy's grandmother said, clasping her hands.

I nodded and reached for the doorknob when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Hazel, "Rachel, go home. You're exhausted, go get changed, have a shower, some food, and a nap. You're not allowed to come back for at least 4 hours. Now get" she commanded and I looked around to see the rest of the Fuller family smirking.

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