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     Ginny couldn't sit there anymore, she just couldn't, watching Fred's dead body as her mind fooled itself that he would pop up at any time and laugh like it was a prank... She knew better. Ginny knew what she needed, she needed Harry...

     Ginny carefully found herself to Hermione and Ron who had grief-stricken looks on their faces, as she walked over, they both looked at her with sadness and dread. 

     "Oh, Ginny," Ron began but she cut him off.

     "Where's Harry?" Ginny asked getting straight to the point, when they both hesitated, her worry got worse, "where is he?!"

     "He went to the Forbidden Forest," Hermione confessed.

     "What?!" Ginny practically screamed at them, "why would he do that?! Why?!" Ginny yelled as tears started to fall.

     "He's a Horcrux, the only way to kill Voldemort is to take all of the Horcrux's down and... Harry being one... He has to die." Hermione explained.

     Ginny felt overwhelmed, she already lost Fred and now she is going to lose Harry... This is too much. She can't handle this. She needs to stop him. Ginny turned and started to walk away, the two of them called her name, trying to get her to stop but as Ron tried to grab Ginny, she started to run down the staircase!

     "Ginny, wait!" Hermione's voice yelled as she ran after her without Ron but Ginny didn't stop, "Stirrin Carra!" Hermione used a spell to move things in the way of Ginny making her stop running.

     "Why did you do that?!" Ginny asked looking at Hermione with teary eyes.

     "You need to stop, I know what you want to do but you can't," Hermione told her but Ginny shook her head as tears fell again, the older girl frowned at the younger one as she pulled her into a hug and Ginny cried her eyes out on Hermione's shoulder.

     "I can't handle all of this, look how many people are dead! I cant do this without Harry, I can't physically handle it!" Ginny admitted to her.

     "You have too, I'm so sorry, Gin, but we have to," Hermione told her.

     Ginny pulled away as she wiped the tears away and took a deep breath, "he didn't even say goodbye," she looked down sadly, "I have to say goodbye!"

     "What do you mean?" Hermione's brows furrowed in confusion at the younger girl's words, she was heartbroken, she probably isn't thinking straight.

     "Hermione, I need to say goodbye, I need to see him once more, just once," Ginny explained as looked at Hermione with pleading eyes.

     Hermione thought for a second but knew that it was no use arguing with Ginny, she's going to do it whether she likes it or not. She pointed her wand at the debris she had moved in front of them and moved it to the side.

     "Thank you," Ginny thanked her and turned to leave again when Hermione stopped her once more, "what is it? Hermione, I need to go."

     "Just in case you run into some trouble," Hermione pulled out an odd-looking necklace from under her shirt and gave it to Ginny, "it's a Time-Turner, it'll get you out of a bad situation by moving time. Flip it for how long to want to go back, I suggest only once or twice because any more could take you back weeks."

     "Excellent," Ginny put the Time-Turner on her neck and placed it under her shirt, she then hugged Hermione just in case, "I love you, Hermione, you're the sister I never had."

     Hermione smiled as she hugged her back, "I love you too, Ginny, I feel the same way, your my sister, stick and through."

     Ginny pulled away and sent her one last smile before running away, towards the exit to hurry to the Forbidden Forest to find Harry...

Back In Time II Ginny Weasley IIWhere stories live. Discover now