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      Ginny's heart was beating harder and harder as the four boys thought of what to do, Snape had already sauntered away at the distraction and Ginny knew she had to get away too. Finally, Ginny came to her senses and ran the other way!

     "Hey! Wait!" One of the boys yelled but Ginny continued to run, she heard them running after her but she didn't stop, "GIRL, STOP!"  

      The footsteps behind Ginny got louder and Ginny realized they were getting closer but before she could even react someone grabbed her arm tightly and slammed her against the wall! Ginny went to scream but he put his hand over her mouth...

     When Ginny finally got the chance to look at the one in front of her, her heart dropped... He looked exactly like Harry except for the eyes, he had soft brown eyes... This has to be James Potter; Harry's father. If that is James Potter and that is Remus Lupin, that means the four are the Marauders...

      Ginny watched as the first person to catch up with them was the boy who had slammed Snape into the wall, he has to be Sirius Black, he has the look. Sirius blocked Ginny's chance to escape whilst Remus Lupin leaned against the wall breathlessly as his mind was yelling at him that she was going to tell everyone. And finally, the fourth boy who must be Peter Pettigrew, the boy who betrayed them, caught up and was wheezing there trying to catch his breath.  

     "How much did you hear?" James asked glaring at the girl.

      "Answer us!" Sirius snapped at her when she didn't say anything.

     Ginny furrowed her brows as she would say something (tell the truth or even lie) but James's Potter's hand was on her mouth making her incapable to talk...

       Remus looked and saw that James's hand was on the girl's mouth and facepalmed at his friends' stupidness.

       "James," Remus spoke up making them look at him, "your hand."

      James looked back and saw he still had his hand over her mouth, "oh... You're not going to scream OR run, got it?" he ordered with a threatening tone.

      Ginny nodded agreeing and he removed his hand but kept the grip on her arm that was starting to hurt.

     "You heard everything didn't you?" Sirius asked.

      Ginny hesitated as she wondered whether or not, to tell the truth, finally, she decided it'd be better to just tell the truth, "I heard everything."

       "Oh great," Remus's tone changed as he started to visibly freak out, "this, this is great, everything is so great!"

       "Moony, calm down-" Sirius tried to say but Remus cut him off.

        "Calm down!? How do you seriously expect me to calm down?!" When Remus saw that Sirius was about to make a joke he stopped it in its tracks, "and don't you DARE make a joke right now!"

       "We could use the obliviate spell," Peter suggested.

       Both James and Sirius looked like they were considering it before Remus spoke up, "what? No! That spell erases the whole memory, not just one!" Remus hissed.

       "Well, you're being especially picky when we're trying to keep your secret a secret," James informed him.

      "Your talking about erasing someone's memories! It's barbaric!" Remus hissed but everyone could tell he was still freaking out over someone knowing his secret.

      "That's not as barbaric as someone spilling your secret to entire school!" Sirius snapped back.

      "We could lock her in our room," Peter suggested.

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