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     After a week at Hogwarts in the past, Ginny hated it. She got a dorm room with Lily Evans, Dorcas Meadows, and Marlene McKinnon, all four girls were very nice but she couldn't shake the feeling that all three of them were dead, it ruined the chance of her having a true friendship. As she started classes, the Professors were different, all of them except two; Professor McGonnagal and Professor Slughorn. Ginny really doesn't eat either, she had been neglected to eat at the Dining Hall, she went there for like three minutes before leaving to make sure she didn't worry her Dorm Mates. Ginny thought she'd get away with but fortunately, Dumbledore noticed.

      Ginny sat in Transfigurations as Professor McGonagall explained something about transforming but then the class ended, everyone stood up and went to leave when Professor McGonnagal voice stopped Ginny.

     "Miss Rivers," Ginny turned to Professor McGonagall who gestured for her to come over.

     "Yes, Professor?" Ginny asked being respectful to the Professor.

     "The Headmaster wants you to come to his office," Professor McGonagall told her, Ginny opened her mouth to ask if it's urgent but she stopped her, "immediately, the password is Pheonix."

     Ginny knew not to argue as she hoped that Dumbledore had maybe found a way to send her back. "Thank you, Professor," Ginny thanked her before heading to the Headmaster's Office...

     Once Ginny got to the entrance, she said the password and went up... As Ginny got in, she saw the Headmaster standing there with a Pheonix Bird on his shoulder as he comforted the bird but when he saw Ginny, he set the Pheonix back on his post.

     "Ginny, come in," Dumbledore said as he looked at her.

     "You wanted to see me?" Ginny twinkled at the thought of going home as she asked: "did you find a way to send me back?" 

     "Unfortunately, not yet, that wasn't why I wanted to see you, Ginny," Dumbledore leaned on his desk as he stared at her, "I know you've stopped eating, don't even try to deny it, I know everything that goes on in my school." 

     "I..." Ginny had no response.

      Dumbledore sighed as he looked down, "I can tell you lost someone before you were sent back. I can see it in your eyes... The horrible feeling that is Loss," Dumbledore met the eyes of Ginny, she had sadness in her eyes, "who did you lose?"

     Ginny took a deep breath as she knew she couldn't get out of talking about it, "my friends..." the memories of every friend she lost during the battle of Hogwarts flashed in her mind making tears well up in her eyes but she sucked them in, "my brother..." the memory of Fred flashed in her mind as a tear finally fell but remembering that dream she had made it a bit better, "my... My boyfriend." the memory of Harry hurt the most as more tears fell.

     "Ginny Weasley, we may think that the only way to with this loss you feel is to blame yourself, but it is not," Dumbledore gave her a sad look, "you cannot starve yourself."

     Ginny laughed through the tears, "you think I want to starve myself? No, I don't but I'm stuck in a strange time and everyone I see is dead in the future and it is driving me insane! I can't handle it!" Ginny freaked out as she felt everything running to the surface as she barely could stand as she felt dizzy, Ginny grabbed onto a table next to her for balance.

     "They may be dead from the time you know but you are in this time now, maybe you should get to know them as they deserve that much," Dumbledore advised her.

     Ginny pondered his words as she stood there, finally she sighed giving up, she leaned against the wall before sauntering down to the ground then she ran her shaky hands throughout her red hair. Dumbledore set a hand on her shoulder making her look up at him.

Back In Time II Ginny Weasley IIWhere stories live. Discover now