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     Ginny felt dizzy as she opened her eyes, she wasn't in the Forbidden Forest anymore, from her surroundings it looked like she was in the Infirmary but... Something seemed off... Is the battle over? Did they do it? Is Voldemort dead?

     "She's awake!" Madam Pomfrey's voice shouted as she ran over to Ginny, Ginny looked at the woman and her eyes widened, she looked... Younger... What did she do?

     "Where..." Ginny was just so confused, how far back in time did she go?

     "Careful dear, you hit your head pretty hard," Madam Pomfrey eased as she made Ginny lay back, she then looked at one of her helpers, "get the Headmaster." 

     Ginny blinked, "Headmaster? You mean Snape?" she asked getting worried.

     "Snape?" Madam Pomfrey gave her a weird look, "I'm not sure who you speak of, we have a Snape here but he's a student."

     "What?" Ginny was just getting more confused by every word, "who's... Who's Headmaster then? Professor McGonnagal?"

     "Professor McGonnagal is the Transfiguration Professor and the Head of Gryffindor," Madam Pomfrey stood up straight, "Headmaster is Albus Dumbledore, as he always has been."

     Ginny mouth dropped, "Dumbledore is dead, he was killed by Professor Snape on the Astronomy Tower!" she yelled at the woman.

     "Calm down, Miss," Madam Pomfrey tried to touch her but Ginny hit her and pushed her away as she refused to believe, "I think you hit your head pretty hard, you need to calm down!"

     "Dumbledore is dead, I know this because I saw his body," Ginny tried to convince her but really trying to convince herself.

     Right when she said that, Dumbledore walked in, he tilted his head and looked himself up and down, "I don't think I'm dead, I mean I'm standing right here," he spoke up making the two ladies look at him.

     Ginny was about to have a panic attack, Dumbledore is dead but now he is standing right in front of her, looking a bit younger... "I'm going crazy," she muttered to herself.

     Dumbledore walked over to the young girl, she looked like she was about 16-years-old and would be in 6th year. She had the looks of a Weasley and he had a feeling that she wasn't from their time...

     "You're not going crazy," Dumbledore told her before looking at Madam Pomfrey, "can you give me some alone time with our guest?"

     "Yes, Headmaster," Madam Pomfrey left the room.

      "You're dead," Ginny told him as she glared at him untrustingly before realizing, "am I dead? Did Bellatrix succeed in killing me? Is this why I can see you?"

     Dumbledore chuckled a bit as he sat next to her on the bed, "your not dead, I can assure you, but I can tell you are out of place," he said as he touched the Time-Turner on her neck making Ginny look at it.

     "Oh..." Ginny finally realized what was going on, "how far back did I go?"

     "Well, what is your time?" Dumbledore asked.

     "1998," Ginny answered.

     Dumbledore made a face that realized that she went really far back in time, at first she was worried that she was in the time of Tom Riddle but he doesn't look that young. 

     "What time am I in, Headmaster?" she asked.

     "You're in the 70s," Dumbledore told her and waited for her reaction.

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