Chapter 1

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It was just a normal day at the Firehouse. That is to say if you can call hunting ghosts for a living 'normal'. "Man, I am beat!" Peter collapsed onto the sofa after the last ghost had been sent into the containment unit. "Can we like, not hunt ghosts for a while? Don't they take vacations?"

Winston chuckled as he removed his proton pack, "Sorry Peter but I highly doubt that."

Egon and Ray walked into the room "I'm telling you Egon; once you make those adjustments to the containment unit we can hold like... twice the amount of ghosts!"

Egon nodded as he flipped through pages of his notebook. "All I need to do is shift the energy converter... and it will make the unit run with double efficiency."

Like previously mentioned, it was just a normal day. That is... They all turned as someone rang the doorbell. "Oh I've got it!" Before they could stop him Peter jumped up and slid down the fireman's pole.

Ray sighed "Why does he even bother answering the door? Surly he knows he's the one that scares customers away!" Winston and Egon winced as they quickly caught up with Ray who was chasing their 'leader'.

"Why hello!" Peter swung the door open and reviled two bald men wearing white suits "And what can I help you gentlemen with today?"

"Are you Peter Venkmen?" The others arrived just as the man started to speak.

"I am." Peter brushed himself off proudly. "You've heard of me?" Egon wanted to walk over and slap him right then and there but he knew it would be unprofessional in front of potential clients. (He would just have to do it later...)

"Yes we have." One of the men pulled out a badge from his pocket and handed it to Peter "To keep matters brief, we are from the Guys In White. This is an organization funded by the government to hunt ghosts. And..." he mumbled the next part "We need your help..."

"What was that?" Winston held a hand up to his ear "You're telling me you're from some hot shot, government, ghost hunting, agency... and you need OUR help?! You're kidding."

The other man sighed "Unfortunately this is no joke. Getting straight to the point, our particular division has been assigned to a city called Amity Park."

"Whoa whoa whoa..." Ray held his hands up in a 'stop' gesture. "You mean Amity Park as in the 'Most Haunted Place On Earth'? THAT Amity Park?"

He nodded "That is correct. The city has been infested with ghosts for a long time but we were only brought in about a year ago when it got worse. You see, we aren't trying to hunt all of the ghosts. There is just one that we have been assigned to capture."

The other man took out a picture of a boy flying through the sky. He was wearing a black and white HAZMAT suit and was sporting a head of pure white hair. His eyes were an eerie shade of green that looked like it could glow in the dark. "This ghost calls himself 'Danny Phantom', he showed up about a year ago and has been giving the town trouble ever since."

Peter raised an eyebrow "What kind of trouble?"

"Well, for starters we think he is the reason more ghosts have been coming to Amity Park." The man supplied "He has also been seen talking to ghosts who are known trouble makers and we also believe that he might have tried to posses the mayor."

"That's great and all..." they turned to Ray "But, why did you come to us?"

The two men sighed "When the GIW first took on the job we had no idea how hard it would be to capture this one ghost. We're out of options so we are now willing to hire outside help. Will you take on the job and capture the ghost?"

The four looked at each other skeptically "We don't usually take on jobs outside of New York..."

The Guys In White opened a large brief case full of money. "This is just a down payment. If you succeed the government is willing to fund the rest of your research. For life."

All of their eyes got big at the sight of the money but Peter literally started drooling. "Um well... as I was saying... just because we don't usually do something doesn't mean there's not a first time for everything!" Peter giggled as the handed him the money and walked out the door.

Ray looked nervous "Are you sure about this Peter? I mean if they couldn't catch this ghost then what makes you think we can?"

Peter waved him off "Oh take it easy! You worry too much! How hard can it be to catch some scrawny, teenage, punk, ghost anyway?!" Peter would later eat those words.

(A/N - Hey guys! :) It's getting close to Halloween so I thought this would be a good time to write this. Cuz ya know.,.. it's spooky, :) I update on weekends. I hope you liked it! :) Bye!) 

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