Chapter 2

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Danny sighed contently as he flew over the buildings of Amity Park. He may have only had his powers for a year but he really felt like he had the hang of them. Lucky for him, other than Jazz no one had figured out his secrete! Sam and Tucker continued to help him fight off ghosts every night. In fact that's what he had just finished doing.

Danny flew through his bedroom window and changed into his human form. He looked at the clock and smiled. He had actually made it home for dinner once! Things were really looking up for him.

"Hey mom!" Maddie Fenton almost dropped her mixing bowl at the sound of her son's voice.

"Danny?" she set the bowl down and turned to him smiling "When did you get home? I didn't hear you come in."

He shrugged "Not too long ago. I just dropped my stuff in my room. So what's for dinner?"

She scowled down at the bowl "Well it WAS going to be meat loaf..." Danny say something inside the bowl move. And... were those eyes? "But I think we might just have to go out to eat tonight. So what brings you home so early?"

He sat down at the table "Nothing much. Sam and Tucker were both busy and I didn't feel like going to the mal by myself. So I just came back here."

She ruffled his hair "Well I'm glad you did. Now, if only I could get your father and sister to come downstairs then we could go out to eat." Danny smiled. It always seemed to take the two of them the longest to get ready.

~time skip~

The family of Fentons sat down at a booth in the Nasty Burger. Unlike what the name suggested, the place actually had really good food. "So Danny Boy," Jack took a large bite out of his double cheeseburger "You been up to anything exciting lately?"

Danny just smirked at Jazz knowingly "Nope, Everything's just been normal." She rolled her eyes but eventually smiled too. Danny's life was probably the furthest thing from 'normal' out there.

They all made idle chitchat for another half hour when suddenly a blue whisp escaped Danny's mouth. Jazz noticed and whispered in his ear "I'll cover for you." She then started talking louder so their parents could hear. "Danny did you ever finish that book report you have due tomorrow?"

"Oh shoot!" Danny played along "I forgot all about it!" He quickly got up from the table. He looked over at his parents "I'll be at home working if you need me." they nodded as he ran out the door. Maddie sighed. At least she had gotten to see Danny for a little while before he had to run off.

~time skip~

Danny quickly ran into the alley behind Nasty Burger and changed into his alter ego Danny Phantom. He then pulled out his phone and punched a few buttons. Seconds later two voices answered. "Hey guys. Looks like we've got another one." Just like that he flew off and searched for his target. Little did he know that someone was also searching for him.

~time skip~

"So I've been reading up on this 'Ghost Boy'..." Egon spoke from the back of the Ecto 1. They had just passed the 'Welcome to Amity Park' sign after a whole day drive from New York. "It says here that he can be seen at almost every ghost attack."

Winston was driving and looked at him in the mirror "Does he instigate the attack?"

Egon pushed his glasses further up on his nose. "That's what's odd. He always seems to be fighting the other ghosts. Witnesses say he pulls them into some kind of container and that particular ghost won't be seen for at least a few days. Even all the property damage that he has been blamed for is all collateral because of these fights."

"Hmm..." Peter scratched his head from the passenger seat "It sounds to me like he's trying to help out."

"But then way would the GIW be after him?" Ray asked a good question.

Egon sighed "I guess we'll just have to find out when we meet him."

Suddenly the devices on the dashboard lit up indicating that a ghost was nearby. Peter grinned "Looks like we've got a job to do boys!"

~time skip~

Sam and Tucker panted as they ran over to Danny. "We got here... as quick... as we could."

Danny nodded "Thanks guys."

Sam looked around the park "So do you have any idea who it is?"

Danny shook his head. They started talking about something so they didn't notice Tucker go pale. "Uh guys..." he tapped them on the shoulders "I think I may have a pretty good idea who we're fighting..."

They looked over to where Tucker was pointing. A big grin met their eyes "I Skulker will have your pelt hung upon my wall before the night is over boy!" he suddenly rushed at Danny who barely had time to dodge. And things had been going so well for him too!

(A/N - Hey guys! :) Happy Friday the 13th! Oooooo Spooky! :) Hope you liked it!)

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