Chapter 3

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"Look there!" Ray pointed to the park across the street from them. The others turned and saw their target fighting another ghost with flaming hair. They all quickly scrambled out of the car.

~time skip~

Per usual, Danny was easily able to win the fight with the help of his friends. Danny was about to suck Skulker into the thermos when someone yelled at them. "Hey you!" he looked over and saw four men wearing very large backpacks. They were running towards him and they didn't look too happy.

Danny was about to ask who they were when Skulker took that moment to take the upper hand. He punched Danny in the face and Danny came crashing to the ground from the force. "Danny!" Sam and Tucker both yelled at him to get up as they fired their ecto guns at Skulker.

Danny started to get up when he saw a beam of light flash over his head. He turned just in time to watch it barley miss Skulker. He glared over at the four men and his fiery hair lit up. "You dare try to get in my way while I hunt my prey?!"

Skulker sped towards them and Danny only had seconds to spare. He quickly threw up a shield around the men right before Skulker could hit them with a deadly attack. Danny could feel the strain on his body as he tried to maintain the shield AND fight Skulker. He finally lost control and the shield crumpled "Get out of here!" but they didn't move an inch as stared upon the battle.

It took a bit of effort but Danny was finally able to pin Skulker to the ground. Sam came running over and quickly sucked him into the thermos. Tucker let out a sigh of relief "Well that took longer than usual."

Danny looked down at his watch "Oh no! My parents are going to be home any minute! I told them I was working on a book report!"

Danny was about to fly off when one of the men from earlier grabbed his arm "Not so fast. Ghost Boy."

Danny rolled his eyes and phased his arm through the man's hand "I don't have time for this. Look, I can see you're not from around here. That means that the GIW must have hired you to catch me. Well first of all whatever they told you about me is wrong. I'm only trying to help. Second of all, if you decide to side with them I'm going to give you a warning. You aren't the first people they've brought in and you most certainly won't be the last. But just remember... none of you are ever going to catch me." and the like that Danny flew off and Sam and Tucker ran down the street.

~time skip~

Ray had to keep himself from punching a whole in the wall of their hotel. "He was literally in my hands and I let him get away!"

"It's ok man." Winston patted him on the back "So... did you guys believe him when he said he just wanted to help?"

Egon and Ray looked skeptical. "Yes." The three turned to Peter "This kid died young. I don't believe that someone his age would truly try to hurt anybody. And you saw him back there! He saved us from that other ghost!"

Egon nodded "I think I agree with Peter. It does seem that he is on our side. But that brings up the question... Why does the GIW want him captured...?" None of them had the answer.

~time skip~

Danny had gotten home literally seconds before the rest of his family. It was a good thing he didn't really have a book report due tomorrow or else he would be screwed. "Danny we're home! We brought you the rest of your food!" He smiled as he headed for the stairs. He might not quite trust them with his secrete yet but Danny really did have great parents. As he finished his dinner at the table the men from earlier completely disappeared from his mind.

(A/N - Thanks for reading! :) Bye!)

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