Aries: That cute crazy laugh they do when something funny happens
Taurus: When they pull you into a hug that ends up lasting for 3 hours
Gemini: When they're having so much fun they now have a permanent smile
Cancer: Their eyes are just wow
Leo: That smirk they do when something's funny that turns into a massive smile w/ a laugh
Virgo: When they're so focused they start mouthing their thoughts to themselves
Libra: The way they light up a room when they walk in
Scorpio: That look of adoration when they see someone they love
Sagittarius: How they just run around with no caution and do whatever they want
Capricorn: When they are in love literally everything about them changes, their whole face goes from normal to romantic
Aquarius: When they are speaking about something true to them or slightly weird and they just keep talking
Pisces: The look they give people that they love or mean a lot to people, and when they cover their mouth when they laugh

❁Zodiac Signs❁
RandomHave fun reading! Credit to those who made them! Don't take these too seriously, it's just for fun! ✧ Check out: "Book of Puns" by @Cup0Noodles ✧ Aries: March 20-April 20 Taurus: April 20-May 21 Gemini: May 21-June 21 Cancer: Ju...