Aries: Grabs the nearest chainsaw and angrily destroys it
Taurus: Carves the top off and bakes the seeds for a snackGemini: Comes up with 10,000 great ideas, gets bored and doesn't finish
Cancer: Isn't allowed to use knives, violently stabs it with a spoon instead
Leo: Stacks three pumpkins on top of each other and makes a pumpkin man
Virgo: Carves a traditional jack o lantern and places a candle inside
Libra: Just paints it
Scorpio: Pulls our plans in April, spends days in solitude making the perfect scary face
Sagittarius: 'Accidentally' chops it in half with Aries' chainsaw, kicks it, and throws it at a neighbor's car
Capricorn: Has someone else do it for them
Aquarius: Researches the entire history of pumpkin carving, ends up carving a pineapple bc they're under appreciated
Pisces: Carves it in early October, gets upset when it rots before Halloween

❁Zodiac Signs❁
RandomHave fun reading! Credit to those who made them! Don't take these too seriously, it's just for fun! ✧ Check out: "Book of Puns" by @Cup0Noodles ✧ Aries: March 20-April 20 Taurus: April 20-May 21 Gemini: May 21-June 21 Cancer: Ju...