Chapter 2

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I awoke in a place unknown, once again in shock and trying to figure out where I was and what was happening. As I came to, I freaked out, realizing I was tangled in a massive fishing net, with many rowdy men above me yelling and chanting with their fists in the air, as I heard some say things like, "Wait 'til Captain finds out about this!" or, "OH, this one's a mermaid for sure!"

Their voices all had strong British or Australian accents, raspy and low. I had a bit of an accent myself, but only a light English accent I had picked up from my father who was an Englishman. My mother, he said, was from another province.

I debated whether I dare say something to the mess of wild men or just keep quiet and see what happens, but I spoke up anyway and shouted upwards, "Excuse me, where am I? Who owns this ship? Who are all the lot of you?"

But no one paid attention, nor answered, as I only stirred them up more.

"Well, looky looky! Our mer-friend talks too!" one man said, causing them all to burst into loud, unpleasant laughter.

"Men, your attention please!" I heard a distant voice shout. A voice not as eerie and unpleasant as the rest, but still strong with an accent.

"What's this fuss about?" the voice asked. The same ugly man who had labeled me as a mermaid, proudly proclaimed, "Oh, just look what we discovered here, Captain! I'd say it's a mermaid! I see it now with my own two... eh... one eye."

It was true. He had an eye patch over one eye, and something told me I didn't want to know how he lost it.

There was a pause, as I finally heard, "Reel it up boys!" from the distant voice.

Within moments, the net was pulled up unsteadily as I clung to the sides with my fingers for dear life.

Ungently being lifted onto the deck and being surrounded by what had to be at least thirty dirty men, half of them with strange tattoos and missing teeth, I was fighting for them to untangle me from this mess and get me out.

"Untangle the poor creature!" the distant voice shouted, now sounding closer.

On command, I was untangled and halted from the net.

"Get off of me!" I snapped, shaking them all off.

They parted way and went silent as I heard the slow and steady clanking of boots, coming toward me. Frightened to see who was approaching me and what they would want of me, I lifted my eyes to a young man who looked to be my age or a few years older. His fair skin seemed to go fittingly well with his black pirate suit and pants. Yes, I could tell he was a pirate. Being a sailor, I had seen pirates my whole life, and this was one. Definitely a traditional outfit.

Oh what a surprise, black leather boots as well, I thought to myself, examining his.

As he came closer, even with his suit on, I could tell he had what looked to be a fairly large dark tattoo of what looked to be a detailed feather on his left side of his neck. He also strangely had dark eye makeup around his eyes, giving him an unfriendly look. He wore a small black feathered hat, and grinned at me, as I studied every mysterious feature.

He chuckled, and with a strong accent teased, "You may be no mermaid, but you're definitely interesting to look at."

I tried to comprehend what he meant by that.

"You lost?" he asked.

"Well obviously," I sassed back.

He put his hands behind his back, walking back and forth steadily, pacing.

"I see you have an attitude and personality of your own. No one controls you. So therefore, I'm guessing you're not some well mannered country girl or royal, yes?"

I shook my head. "A royal I am not. But my father to me, was the king of the seas."

He stopped in his tracks, raising his brow, as his I'm better than you grin, turned into questionable concern.

"And who is this... father you speak of darling?"

"Lance. Lance is my father. My name is Promise."

He shot a look at me that made me frustrated, like he thought this was all some kind of a joke.

"Promise?" he mocked

The rest of his men made some offending giggles and snorts, elbowing each other to get one another's attention. Like everyone didn't hear it already. I thought to myself.

What I assumed instantly was the captain, the one who mocked me in the first place, with the black pirate clothing and feathered hat, leather boots (you name it), chuckles a laugh I assume isn't from a joking matter, and more of a I fooled you, now listen up.

He got close to my face, close enough for me to see blue eyes blending mysteriously with his dark eye makeup.

"Well let me promise you something, Promise: you are mine now. I own you. You won't find anyone else to save you, I guarantee it. You're part of us now."

I blinked fast, putting together what he meant, and that he was serious.

"Excuse me?" I blurted.

"From what?" he asked.

"You just own me just because I'm stranded? I have my own ship you know. With my father, Lance... the one I just told you about?"

He rolled his eyes, setting his gloved hand on my shoulder. He let out a sigh, and got close to my face again.

"Do I need to explain myself in further detail, Promise? You are lost. No one is going to find you. And I'm assuming you're here from that horrific storm last night, correct?"

I nodded.

"Exactly. Whoever you were with, they're either goners or were saved by other pirates. So you have two options, deary. Stay with us, or walk the plank. Or you know I could just... save time and throw you overboard. We are busy men."

He released his grip from my shoulder and turned around, throwing his arms up in the air and shouted, "Right, men?!"

They all cheered, and he turned around with that annoying greedy look on his face again, and got closer to me than he had the past few times and whispered, "There's no point in fighting back, Promise. You're ours. But don't worry. We'll be reasonable."

He gently pushed me, still grinning and ordered one of his men, wearing a torn up red shirt, pants that seemed too baggy, and a hat that looked like it had been passed down through generations, to get me something dry to wear.

"The poor girl is freezing obviously, Wesley. Get her something more suitable to wear. Dress her up a bit. She evidently thinks she deserves it, therefore, so be it!"

Wesley laughed deep in his throat, stepping in front of me, bowing at my feet.

"At your service, Princess Promise!" he mocked.

"I'm not a princess," I snapped. "I never said I was, and I never said I wanted to be treated like one. I know you don't see me as a princess, so treat me as you wish. But I am no royal; so don't mock me as you have."

I paused, glaring into the captain's blue eyes, covered in a thin line of black.

"That goes to you Captain... What is your name?" I asked.

His greedy grin turned into a solid stare as he eventually answered straight faced.

"Plume. Captain Plume."

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