Chapter 13

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Bopp was dead.

Someone had snuck into his bedroom during the night and murdered him. But who?

The news came at breakfast. Plume and I were checking around, seeing if most of the crew was up, as were in panic mode for Blackbird coming any day now.

Possibly... any hour.

One of Plume's men, older with a grayish beard and dark eyes, many ear piercings on each ear, ran to Plume, looking distraught and panicked. Like he'd just seen or witnessed something horrible.

"Captain! Captain Plume, can I talk to you in private?" he asked. This scared me. I knew this was something very serious. Something life or death. And the fact that I hadn't seen Bopp in a while, worried me. Something in my gut told me this had to do with him.

Plume looked at me, worry in his eyes, then looked back to his crew member.

"Bill, what is the meaning of this?"

"Please, Captain, this is serious! And... something gives me a sneaking suspicion it has to do with... Blackbird."

My eyes shot to Plume's, who's widened and shot to the ground in fear.

"Blackbird..." he mumbled to himself.

There were a few moments of silent as Bill and I exchanged looks to each other of curiosity about what was going on in Plume's head at that moment.

"Plume," I interrupted his thoughts, getting closer to his face, and gently placing my hand on his arm to get his attention. I felt him jump a bit, although it was hard to tell.

He blinked fast, looking back up at Bill and I. Looking back at Bill, he said in a professional fashion, "Right. I will be there with you in a moment, Bill. May I have a very quick word with Oath?"

Bill nodded, still seeming shake up by whatever he needed to tell Plume.

Plume turned to me, leaning in close, and whispered, "Darling, I need you to understand something. Blackbird is coming. M-maybe he already has. But I need you to be strong. To be wise. To be... Oath. Alright?"

I nodded, placing a hand on his cheek. Without another word, he pulled away quickly, heading over to Bill, leaving my hand, still afloat where it had touched his cheek in midair. I let it fall by my side, awkwardly standing and waiting as Bill and Plume discussed whatever happened. The sudden heavy breathing from Plume's chest and wide eyes sent an unexplainable shiver down my spine once more.

What was happening?

After a few minutes, Bill's worry in his eyes, turned to sadness, as did Plume's. Although, I still had never seen Plume seem so... afraid. They departed from each other, as Plume walked slow and hesitantly over to me. I grabbed his arms, pulling me into me faster. I had to know.

"Plume," I hadn't realized how hard I was breathing. I could feel my pulse in my chest and throbbing through my skull.

"Bopp is dead," he whispered, his voice trembling.

I needed a moment to process what had just been said to me. Bopp couldn't be dead... how?

"What? No... no, he can't be. How?"

Plume placed his hand on my cheek, drying my unexpected falling tear with his gloved hand.

The sad look in his eyes told me this was no misunderstanding and what he had just told me was the truth.

"Promise, I am sorry. He was found dead in his bedroom this morning. Apparently someone boarded our ship last night without us knowing and snuck into his bedroom, killing him in his sleep. With the time being so close... I think this may be linked to Blackbird. We must get ready for battle."

I suddenly felt extremely overwhelmed. Blackbird was actually coming. Or close. And we had to get ready for battle now... I had never been in an official war. What if I died? What if I lost Plume...

The pain of losing him too sent a pain through my heart. More tears blurred my vision, and sent tears rolling down my cheeks. All I could do was take this all in and stare into nothingness in front of me. Maybe the ground. I couldn't even tell.

Plume wiped my tears, and kissed me on my forehead. I still stayed as frozen as a corpse.

"I'm sorry, my love," his voice trembled once more. I knew he was thinking the same things I was thinking, and worrying about that one thing: What if I lose you?

He kissed me in my forehead, slowly removed his hand from my cheek, and slid past me, yelling to his men.

I knew he was instructing them, probably warning of Blackbird, yet I somehow seemed to block out every word he said. I felt like I was in a dazed state. A dream.

Bopp was dead.

And Blackbird was coming.

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