Chapter 8

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Captain George and his crew eventually left, as I stayed in the same spot I had been when Captain George had been talking to me. Telling me things I never knew about myself. And now that he was gone, it was too late to ask him another question I had:

If he knew that much about my mother, did he happen to know if my father was still alive?

Plume, like a good captain, helped those wounded and in need. But he did take some time to come to me to talk. I knew what he wanted to talk about.

"Oath, I didn't know that about you. That you are...well..."

"A freak?" I interrupted.

He came in closer, lowering his voice a bit more.

"Oath, that is not what I was going to say. You are not a freak. It's just a surprising fact. That's all."

His eyes lit up.

"Will your heart turn greedy? Like the heart of a true pirate? Are you now forgetting everything I already was before, and you're just seeing me for the inner gem I have in me?"

His eyes narrowed in confusion and hurt.

"Oath, that is not at all what I..."

"Just shut up Plume!" I yelled in a sudden outburst. I felt ashamed. I didn't even know where it had come from. Was it even Plume I was angry with?

His confusion turned to pain and I saw hurt in his eyes.

"Oath?" he whispered so gently I could barely hear it, and only knew he said it from reading his trembling lips.

Then my eyes started fogging up. And no way, was I going to let him see me like this. He probably thought I now hated him and he didn't even know why- I didn't even know why.

"I'm sorry, I just..." I paused, trying to hide and blink back the ocean of tears making their way into my eyes. "I just need some time alone, Plume."

Without another word, I shoved past him to get to the inside of the ship. I didn't know where I was headed. Probably my bedroom, but I just needed some me time. I had constantly been under so much pressure and around so many people. I just needed to be me. Promise. Not Oath.

I vaguely heard Plume mumble a weak, "Oath, please," but I had already made up my mind. I entered the ship, and as I shut the door behind me and began nearly sprinting to my room, I noticed a girl was sobbing. I could hear it. I could feel it. But that girl was just me.
When I had went into my bedroom, I was so exhausted, that my "alone time" turned more into accidental nap time. That is until something or someone woke me up.

My eyes slowly opened as I thought I could hear very light footsteps creeping across the floor, but as I came to, I was scared to fully open my eyes for fear of who it was. I had shut AND locked my door. So therefore, no one should have been able to have gotten in. That is... unless they were someone in charge. Unless they were a captain.

Bringing myself up in my bed, I quickly rubbed my eyes and made out the tall, black figure across the room, staring out the small, circular window. His hands behind his back.

"I see you have no manners and don't care about barging in on women while they sleep?" I huffed.

He wouldn't face me, and then said in a deep, solemn tone, "Well then I guess you're not like other women."

I wasn't like "other women"? What did that even mean?

I said nothing though. I stayed silent. I wasn't going to give him the easy way out and sit here and do all the talking for him. If he was going to sneak into my room without my knowledge and not even act apologetic about it, then he needed to give me an explanation.

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