Chapter 5

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Searching for any specific room on any floor was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. With Wesley being the only person I felt comfortable talking to or asking questions other than Plume and Bopp, I had asked him if there was some sort of "training room." He said there was, on the third floor.

Great, I thought. Just more stairs, and more rooms to look through.

Thanking Wesley, assuming I probably was annoying him now with my constant questions of where everything was and what to do, I made my way off deck to head all the way down to floor number three... and look through all the rooms to find a training room, where I'm sure Plume was already waiting.

The third floor was even darker and dimmer than the second floor. It's like no one ever went on this floor. Or at least, not as much as the second floor, lit and decorated with candles and decorations. Dusty lanterns hung on the wall, looking as though I candle hadn't been placed in them let alone lit for possibly decades. I could hardly see and was about to give up, and go ask someone to show me to the room when near the end of the hall, a tall figure popped out, slightly scaring me. I squinted, trying to make out who it was. I sighed with relief, realizing it was only the captain.

"Were you a bit lost?" he chuckled.

"Just a bit! It's so dark and gloomy down here. Don't you ever light candles down here?"

He shrugged, looking around as though there was nothing wrong.

"What's the use, it's not like anyone is ever down here much. Come, come, Oath. There's much we need to work on."

He led me into a room that was surprisingly larger than I expected it to be, and luckily, unlike the rest of the floor, had many candles to light the room. Although in such a low floor in a ship, the room was still dim.

I couldn't help but admire all the metal guard statues, standing as though they were living. Swords and weapons sat against the wall or were laid on the floor gently, or stored safely for what I guessed was only for training and practicing purposes only.

"Well, this place is amazing compared to the rest of the floor. Will I use those?" I asked, pointing to a column of nice swords across the room. Not as nice as Plume 's, but still, I was excited to use them, if allowed.

He dug his hands in his pockets, shaking his head, clicking his tongue.

"Oh, no, no, no, my dear. You get this..."

He led me to a large wooden chest, and opened it slowly, as there, laid just at the bottom was a stainless steel sword, glistening in the small amount of light we had in the room. It looked almost identical to Plume 's. I couldn't believe it. I had always wanted a sword this nice! I wanted to grab it right away and start practicing with it, but I decided I should be polite and let him settle all that.

He gently picked it up, pulling the large sword out of its protector, as the soothing sound of metal echoed through the room.

I'm sure he thought my eyes would roll out of their sockets any second.

"Wow, I can't believe this, Plume . Are you really giving me this?"

He nodded, holding it out to me.

I held it gently in awe, wondering how I deserved such a sword.

"I have no words, captain. It's glorious! I can't wait to get started!" I chirped, nearly jumping with excitement.

He lifted one side of his small but beautiful mouth, showing a smile that almost said, "I knew you'd like it."

Something told me this wasn't just some nice sword he'd found that I could use. Something told me it might had even been difficult for him to decide if it should be in my possession or not. Like the sword itself was sentimental.

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