Chapter 10

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I awoke the next morning to a dark room, but not as dark as I remembered it the night before. After all, outside the windows you could only see water, but there was at least slight sunlight that was coming through the window from the reflection of the water.

Plume and I were tangled up tight in each other's arms, sheets intertwining the two of us. Plume was still sound asleep, his dark eye makeup smeared, which honestly suited him well, and his messy hair even messier than usual- which I also found eye candy. Gently (trying not to wake him) reaching my hand to his forehead to move the hair out of his face, I studied all his features. Everything I liked about him.

He was more on his back than his front, arms around me, his shoulders and chest rising and falling as he slowly breathed. From where my arms were wrapped around him, I could feel every beat of his heart. Slow, since it was in resting mode.

As I stared at his face, beautiful and unique in its own way, I imagined him as an innocent young boy. Such as when he had been kidnapped by Blackbird. All the horrible things they must have done to him when he was still only a child. No wonder his heart had hardened. Reaching my hand to touch the small bit of his back that was showing, I could almost even feel his scars. Each scar I could physically feel sent chills down my spine and made me cringe my face.

Oh, the poor boy, I thought to myself.

Just then my heart skipped a beat when his breathing became suddenly louder, and his blue eyes opened, making out my face in front of his.

He scanned my face and smiled.

"How long ago did you wake up?" he whispered with a groggy, deep voice.

"Honestly, not too long before you."

He smiled in response, temporarily shutting his eyes again. I played with his hair with one of my hands just for the heck of it, and he continued laying there, quiet and relaxed with his eyes closed, but I knew he was still awake.

"I'm sure you have told me this before Plume, but now it's my turn to tell you: You're beautiful."

His ocean eyes opened back up, with a sweet smile. "Why, thank you. You're quite gorgeous yourself."

I smiled. "Thank you."

"Oath, as much as I would love to just lie here for as long as I want and relax with you, I have much to do today and am still the captain," he winked.

With that, I sat up, trying to motivate him too as well. "Alright, alright. Let's get up then. Come on, sleepy." I patted his chest.

He sat up too, rubbing his face and running his hands through his messy hair. I now realized he had a line under each eye indicating lack of sleep- but it gave him a good look.

"Let's get our clothes back on and get going with the day," I tried to motivate him more.

He nodded tiredly, and untangled himself from the blanket, moving to the end of his side of the bed, standing up to find his clothes- all on the floor.

I did the same but when I stood up and began walking... I noticed something. Something that obviously even showed on my face because Plume looked over concerned and asked, "What's the matter?"

Pretending like I wasn't bothered and was occupied, I scanned the room for all my clothes.

"Uh... nothing. I... I'm fine."

But his eyes locked on me. He knew I was lying. I could see it on the corner of my eye.

"You sure?" he asked.

I actually stopped to look at him. "Y-yes, I'm alright. Why?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, you look distraught, or... in pain even..."

What was the point of hiding it. It's not like he didn't know what we'd done the previous night.

"I'm not in pain necessarily, it just... feels funny."

"Oath, what feels funny?" he asked, his eyebrows close and concerned.

I gave him a come on, you know what, look but he didn't acknowledge it.

"Myyy..." I pointed near the top of my legs and bottom of my hips.

"Oh," he looked away, surprisingly blushing and blinking fast as if this were super awkward.

"How bad?" he asked.

"Um... well it's not like it's painful, but I'll admit it... hurts to walk, and I've never experienced that before."

He sighed. "I- I'm pretty sure it hurts for a reason, Oath."

I rolled my eyes. "Well I'm aware of that now, I just don't remember... you know... actually..."

He shrugged. "I guess I don't remember either, but I suppose it is what it is now. Do you need anything?"

I shook my head. "I'll be alright. I'm just scared of what everyone else will think. They'll be able to tell, right?"

He shrugged again. "I guess not unless you hide it as best as you can. I don't know what else to say. I've never had... sex before."

So there. It was said. Plume and I actually had sex.

Suddenly I felt a ping of guilt. Before it hadn't gone that far. When we were in Plumes tent. But it had gone all the way this time around.

"Plume... I... I need to get dressed and then I need to... do something."

He looked confused and worried.


I interrupted with my actions, hecticly getting together all my clothes and getting dressed again.

How had I forgotten or he forgotten about anything happening yet we both could tell we had? It's like we'd been under a spell.

Out of anger and confusion, and sudden spark of decision I snapped, "I need to find my father. Lance."

Before he could catch up to me, I left the room, maybe accidentally slamming the door behind me.

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