Smile it gets better :)

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I stayed in my little world until the funeral. The only reason I knew when it was happening was because of Aunt Janie who made it like her job to make sure I was okay.  I got ready and headed to the church. My family was all sitting together in the front.  I had to make the decision do I sit by myself or with them. 

*Alex’s POV*

I looked towards the back of the church and saw her walk in. She didn’t look like herself. Yeah its  barely been a week. but its easy to tell she hadn’t been eating well or even sleeping. I was sitting with the rest of my band and crew. She looked lost. I stood up and walked over to her.

“Hey.”She said softly 

“How was the beach?”I asked 

“peaceful.”She said as she hugged me

“I was worried.”I said as I hugged her tighter. 

“Is Ri mad?”

“no, why would he?”

“I dunno.”

“You should sit with your family.”

“Okay.”She said

I let her walk by herself to them. She seemed rather awkward. I wanted desperately to know what was going on in her head. 

*Sarah’s Pov* 

I sat down next to my cousin Joel.

“shouldn’t you be sitting in the don’t give a shit section?”he whispered as my Aunt Kaye laughed

What a bitch. 

The Funeral started. My aunt and Uncles talked. 

I was annoyed. probably shouldn’t have sat with some of the most irritating a rude people in my entire rather be stuck in a room with Angie and Gracie than have to deal with these people.The funeral was almost over.

“Sarah can you come here?”My dad asked as he stood at the podium the priest talks at. 

I stood up and walked over

“can you sing?”

“Sing what?”

“The song you wrote for Caroline,Janie told me.”


Alex walked over and handed me my guitar.

“Thanks.”I whispered. 

I just played.  no introduction just me and my guitar. 

when it was all over we walked towards the cars. I rode with my siblings they all were crying. Minus Rian who was watching me. 

I turned my phone on. 


Your Man <3 call me when you are ready to talk.

Riguy Sis. you can’t hide forever

Damom sweetie I hope your okay! 

JackAttack So I know your in hiding and probably crying. But Seriously come back Alex needs to get laid so he stops trying to cuddle with me.. its getting weird. 

I started laughing. Like really laughing. 

“Why are you laughing?”Hannah asked rudely 


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