The End </3

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A/N a Huge thank you to Jenn54545 Who ths is dedicated to! She has been one of the reasons I kept writing this story! also thank you to all the fans who stuck with this story it really does mean a lot! :) 

When tour started we had officially moved into our new home. 

“SARAH!”Alex yelled when I was sitting in the basement. Alex had spent all day in NYC. I was in the room I had made for Alex as an Early wedding present. I pressed the speaker button “In the basement.”I said 

I could hear him say “What the fuck was that.”

He walked downstairs

“What the fuck is this?”He asked/ yelled 

“Welcome to the Gaskarth home recording studio.”I said with a smirk 

“Are you serious?”He asked me 

“Yup.”I said with a huge smile. His brown eyes were really wide and he had that smile that I love on. Jack,Rian and Zack walked down. Followed by Tay,Cass and Allyson. 

“Wow.”Jack said

“When did you do this?”Allyson asked as Alex’s smile just kept growing 

I was still sitting in the chair 

“I started planning it the day we looked at the house.”


“Yeah,and then I talked to people and it just became really easy.”

They all explored

“Is that a wine cellar?”Jack asked pointing at a small room 


“Guest bedroom?”Alex asked 

“Well I figured if people were recording or something you wouldn’t want them to treck upstairs,there is another one too.”

“Are you breaking up with me?”Alex asked 

“No.”I said all confused 

“Sarah I think you won the award for best Fiancé ever.” Jack said with a laugh 

“I don’t want to go on tour now.”Alex said 

“why?”Allyson asked 

“Cause toys!”he yelled like he was five 


Johnnnyyy Gomezzzz Babe! I get to see you tomorrow :O

Me I know! I stoked! :D 

Jordan <3 Tomorrow! :P

Me Jord I am standing in a room with TAY you could already be here :O

So I am not going to tell you what happened on that tour with my favorite people cause well it doesn’t matter. Ill tell you what does, In February Allyson gave Birth to a baby boy  Brayden David and a baby girl Hannely London. In May Cass and Rian announced she was pregnant.In June Amanda and Caleb got married this is also where we all found out that she was expecting a baby of her own. Alex and I were planning our wedding and on separate tours. Its July and I am sitting on the floor of my bus with Tay Jardine. 

“Sarah.” Tay said 


“Your getting married in less then two weeks.”

“I know.”

“Are you nervous?”

“Not really.”

“Really you miss fear of commitment aren’t afraid.”

“Im so ready to be Mrs. Alexander William Gaskarth its not even funny.”

“Too cute.”She said 

Two weeks flew by and I was sitting in a room getting ready for my wedding 


AlexAllTimeLow today I marry the most beautiful girl in the world @SarahDawesome :D

JackAlltimeLow today my Boyfriend gets married! So happy for #Salex 

RianDawson The baby sister gets married to my best friend today

I was dressed. I was ready.

“Sweetie you look amazing.”My mom cried as my sister smiled. 

“Alex is gonna melt.”Allyson said laughing 


Your Man <3 Can not wait to see you! 

“Can’t believe my baby is getting married.”

I wasn’t nervous until my dad walked in. I suddenly did NOT want to do this. 

“Sarah why do you look terrified?”My sister Tay asked as Gomez walked in walked over grabbed my face and Kissed me. It was long and slow. 

“WHAT THE FUCK!”Allyson yelled as John pulled away 

“Now your options right now are run away with me or Marry Alex, what do you choose.”

I was a little shocked I mean normally your ex doesn’t go around kissing you. 

“No.”I said 


“I don’t want to choose.”I said 

So we headed down to the outdoor ceremony.My dad walked me down the aisle of like trees that were turning colors. it was so pretty. 

I got to Alex. he was all teary. I was teary. So it got to the part where we say vows so I whispered in his ear “before you do this just know I kissed John.” 

“Oh I know.”He said “I told him to.”


“I told him to give you the only option id be okay with.”

At this moment is when I knew that the mornings cold feet was merrily just my own silly fear of commitment. the ceremony was officially happening and I was ready. It felt like a dream a little reality where only Alex and I existed in this weird haze. When it was time for the “You May now kiss the bride.” I was snapped back into realty. 

“I love you Mrs Gaskarth.”Alex said right before he kissed me. I smiled and Kissed him back. the cheers were adorable. Boy do I love my family and friends.

Our first dance was a song The summer set wrote for us. 

“You look so beautiful.”Alex said kissing  my cheek as we danced 


The dreamy night was over in a blink of an eye. Alex and I were off on our Fancy honeymoon to europe and then to Fiji. It was a month long trip. this was the boys Idea. 

On our trip Tay Jardine and Jack got engaged. I was so ecstatic. 

They were married the following Summer. That was a few years ago now Lots of things have happened. My brother Adam and sister in law Claire have had another child a little boy named Cory. Taylor had a daughter named Jenna. Allyson, Zack and the twins Hannely and Brayden have another sister named Callalilly. Cass and Rian have two kids their oldest was born a few months after our wedding Thats their son Casey, their Daughter Riley was born two years later. Jack And Tay have a sons named Landon, Caleb and a daughter named Tony. Amanda and Caleb have a sons named james and mikey. And last but not least Alex and I have the big number 4! we have Two boys and Two girls Our oldest is Andrew Thomas, We had twins two years later and their names are Christopher Rian and Samantha Elizabeth, Then we had had our youngest a year later Alexandria Rose or Lexi as we like to call her. My Life isn’t complicated like it use to be but now a days its a whole different kind of complicated.. 

The End! :(  So we have options! I can either write The prequel to this series it would be called 'Almost complicated' or write what happens after this book and call it "A whole different Complicated". Its up to you the fans! So comment and Vote and let me know want!  

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