Chapter 15

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Rae's POV

I sit across from my tutor/homeschool teacher on the couch. Shes probably 25 or so. Her name is Theresa, she's nice but I'm not focusing on school work right now. I just need Cam. Cameron Dallas, I think I love him.

"Okay, Rae?", Theresa asks me. I sigh and look towards me trying to hold back my tears.

"Someone hurt me", is all I can muster. He looks sympathetically at me. I assume she doesn't understand what I've went through. She's happily engaged.

"Who is the guy who hurt you? What happened? It may not seem like it but I'll understand, I've been through a lot", she explains. I need to get this out.

"So his name is Cameron", I say shakily, "he's the bad boy type. I kept myself away for as long as I could, but like an immature teen I fell for it. And he acted like he cared for me, he promised not to hurt me. Said I was different and he liked me. But I went further than liking him. We'd only known each other for three weeks. Last night we snuck out. I explained I needed him, told him I loved him", I catch a falling tear.

"He said he was bad for me, said I was too good for him. Yeah, maybe he's bad but he wasn't changing me. Maybe it seemed like it, but really he was helping me find myself", I explain just realizing how right that is. "So, yeah, I fell for him and he broke me. Now I can't even think straight. In such a short amount of time he became the air I breathe, the thing I seek", I say. I just remembered I was talking to someone. She looks at me and gives a weak smile.

"I know what you mean, I had a lot of heartbreak before I found my future husband. He broke my heart at one point. It will get better. I promise, but if he is the one, he'll come back. Just trust me", she says. I hear a knock at the door. I go to it asking to excuse myself.

When I open the door, it's Cameron.

Bad Boy (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now