Chapter 16

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Just letting you know the song for his story is Free Falling by John Mayer
Cams POV

I look up to see her bright eyes. They glisten with forming tears. She holds her breathe in shock. I stand unable to conform words from my jumbled thoughts. I open my mouth to speak but nothing evolves.

"C-Cam", she utters. I nod, stray tears escape her eyes. I catch them with my hand and wipe them away careful not to break her fragile body. I don't want to break her anymore. I already broke her heart that couldn't fear anything else. It's a privilege to have her love me. She's not the type of girl to wear her heart on her sleeve. Yet she chose a jerk like me to care for her heart. We've already established what a horrible job that is for me.

"Yes, babe", I begin finally strengthening my thoughts. "It's me, I know-I know you shouldn't but if you give me a second chance I promise-", she cuts me off as I knew she would.

"No-no more false hope. No more fake promises, we've already justified your a lying jerk. I need more than your word", she says. I don't know what to offer. There's nothing I can offer. I'd give her everything I have. But I don't have much to give.

"I'll give you everything, anything. What do you want?", I plead. She eyes me, she's deep in thought. She has something horrible planned.

"Meet my parents, please them and I'll give you another chance. That's the ultimate test, trust me", she answers. That's just evil. Her parents already hate me, but I need her. I need Rae. If I don't have oxygen I won't live. She is my earth I use as a foundation. She is my water I use to hydrate my weary body. She is my everything. My anything. Rae is my world.

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