i'm coming out.

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today, my grandma called me. she's from my dad's side, my dad's mother. you all know how i feel about my dad at this point.

my grandma isn't that bad of a person, however she has crushed my dreams and threatened to kill me before.

she also raised me and was my closest family member for a very long time.

so, we're going to a Chinese restaurant tomorrow for lunch, and i plan to come out.

i've already told her i'm bi and today she surprised me by being like

 "Do u have a boyfriend???" so i said no

"oh. a gf???" no

but??? im surprised and happy she remembered and accepted me as bi

she hasn't brought anything like that up since November, when I came out as bi to her.

(P.S. her birthday, October 11, is National Coming Out day!!!)

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