Chapter Two; December Meeting (pt.2)

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I stare blankly at the wooden canopy above my bed. I think about Elena. ... I always think about her. She's so different from the wild Lizzie that jumps into my arms every time she sees me and criticizes me for being 'emotionless'. I guess you could say I am sort of emotionless, but I do feel something...


I change drastically when I'm around Elena. The air around me gets lighter, and I feel the pressure being lifted off of my shoulders. I crack smiles whenever she becomes a smartass. I allow her to enter my bedroom. When I talk I don't sound like the proud and cold person I am. She changes me.

So, I'm confused.

Confused, and angry.

She's nothing special. She's just like Lizzie... She's a noble, and her family and mine are connected in some way or another. So why is it that when I see her I want to do things that I never do?

*The Next Morning*

"Good morning, young master."

I awake to the sound of Sebastian's voice.

"Elena is already awake and is quite hungry. She said she won't eat before you."

"Fetch me my robe."

"You don't wish to get dressed?"

"It is early, no? Surely Elena isn't properly clothed yet."

Sebastian looks at me disdainfully, "Elena has bathed and dressed herself for the day already."

I glare at Sebastian with a look of disbelief and sigh.


It's early. Too early. I'm still exhausted... Sebastian woke me up before Ciel, which is strange, because he's usually awake by the time I greet everyone in the dining hall.

"Good morning, Elena," Ciel says as he plops down in his chair, "you're up early. That's good, we can take care of the trading business after breakfast."

I stare at him. All Ciel thinks about is work.

And revenge.

He doesn't remember what it's like to have fun. I often find myself wondering if he has ever experienced a real smile or laugh. It's kind of like... He's dead inside.

Of course, he was way worse when we first met.

*Three Years Ago*

"Hello, I'm Elena Winchester, you must be Ciel Phantomhive. It's a pleasure to meet you." Elena holds out a hand to shake.

Ciel looks at her, "Sorry, let's go inside, m'lady. Proper introductions will be done in the warmth of the house."

"Well then... All I wanted to do was shake your hand. I guess not everyone is a people person." Elena crosses her arms and sighs, "Whatever, let's just go inside and discuss the stupid trading business so I can go home."

Ciel stares at the lady as she walks into his home. "Wow! This is bigger than my parents mansion!" His eye twitches in annoyance.

"Sebastian, as soon as she leaves I want you to tell me everything about this girl."

Sebastian bows, "Yes, my Lord."

"So, Ms. Winchester, what are this month's requests?" Ciel begins...

"My father wants to know if there are any new toys being created........"

Ciel nods his head and the two begin to discuss opportunities.

*A Few Hours Later*

"Young master, it's getting quite late. The lady must sleep sometime tonight." Sebastian interrupts their chat.

"Ah, well, we ended up getting off topic... My apologies m'lady. Sebastian can show you to a guest room."

Elena nods and dismisses herself from the room. Sebastian looks at Ciel, "No idle chit chat, young master?" Ciel glares at Sebastian, "Shut up. She's the one who got off topic."

Sebastian smirks at the obviously lying Ciel. Sure, he can be serious... But even Ciel, a teenage boy, gets bored every once in a while.

*The Next Evening*

"Well, we finally finished the papers. I assume your family wants you home tonight, so I won't keep you any longer." Ciel sighs tiredly and puts documents in a large envelope. He seals it and places it in front of Elena. "I'm very sorry for getting off topic last night. It must be troublesome for me to have to stay this long." She sighs and picks up the envelope.

"It's my fault as well. Although it is troublesome to have to go through all of those papers..."

Elena smiles, "You seem like someone who I want to figure out. You're mysterious, Ciel Phantomhive. I look forward to our next visit."

Ciel furrows his eyebrows, but doesn't say anything. He looks at Elena, shakes his head and sighs.

"...I'm excited to uncover the Phantomhive's mysteries! Well, goodbye for now, lord Phantomhive."

*Present Day*

We ended up talking about chess.. The only other thing Ciel thinks about... I'm one of the very few people that can beat him in a game. I can tell that he finds that annoying, because every time I win, he glares at me and the raises his hand as if he wants to smack the game onto the floor.

"Dammit. I've lost again." Is what he says every time. I just smile and take a sip of my tea.

"Well, Phantomhive, how many times are you going to challenge me to a game?"

He would glare at me again, shooting daggers into my eyes, "Until I win."

I laugh at this, but shake it off knowing that I'm clearly better than him.

I remember the second time I visited on trading business. That was the first time Ciel challenged me to a game. He lost big time that day, and I remember the look on his face when the game was finished. "You... You beat me." was all he could say.

I smiled, a look of triumph on my face, "You're not the only one who knows how to play and win."

*That Afternoon*

"Well, we finished quite fast, don't you think?" Ciel look at the stack of papers sitting between us on his desk. I nod.

"...Elena." He pushes the papers aside and rests his head in his right hand.

"What, Phantomhive?"

"You seem very lively this visit. Have your parents not told you?"

I furrow my eyebrows, "Told me what?"

Ciel looks down, "Your mother contacted me, she sent me this letter... Would you like to read it for yourself?"  He pulls out an envelope with my family's seal on it.

I pull it out of his hand and begin to read it.

Lord Phantomhive,

  The Winchester family is relocating to a different country, and we are pulling out of the tea business. This next visit from our daughter will be her last. Please make her last visit her best. Thank you for being the best trade partner the Winchester family has ever seen.

            Scarlett Winchester

I stare at the parchment resting in my hands. "What...."

"So, they didn't tell you..."

I look up at Ciel, and feel tears streaming down my face, "We're not going to see each other anymore?"

He shakes his head.


Tea and Toys, Anyone? (Ciel X OC) !CANCELLED!Where stories live. Discover now