chapter 2

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Inori P.O.V

Love looked at me like a question mark.

"What do you meen? Are Setsuna coming back?" Love asked me.

"Yup! Right after you texted me about Miki, Setsuna called." I answered her.

Love lightend up.

"The team will met ones again! HAPPINESS GET!"

I just smiled back.

"But where is Setsuna now? When will she come back?" Love asked me ones again.

"She's with Miki, she will come back when Miki comes back" I smiled while Love was becoming happier.


Setsuna P.O.V

I knoked on the door waiting for someboby to open it.

"Coming" I heard a voice say.

I heard foot steps walking to the door then it opend.

I smiled as I saw my friend standing there.

"Setsuna!?" Miki hugged me and I hugged back.

Then we let go and looked at one another.

"Can I come in?" I asked Miki and she nodded.

We sat down to talk.

"It's great to see you again, but why are you here?" Miki asked.

"Because I wanted to see you guys again. It was six months ago I left with Hayato and Shun to help Labyrinth." I said to her.

"We all wanted to see you again but why did you come here and not where Love or Bukki is?" She asked me a question ones again.

I thought for a moment why I came to Miki first... Then I remember...

"Because you are so far away from the others. I thought that you would be lonely without one of your friends here." I said then smiled.

She smiled back then walked to the kitchen.

"You what something to eat?" She asked while looking for something to eat her self.

"What do you have?"

"I have some pasta or if you want pizza then I have that to." Miki looked at Setsuna while holding a pizza in one hand and a bowl of pasta in the other hand.

"Pizza." I said as Miki gave me one pizza slise and then she took one her self.

We sat down again and started watching a show called "How I met your mother".

Miki P.O.V

One hour later

Setsuna had fell asleep after two episodes.

I should give her a blanket. I went to the bedroom and took a green blanket.

When I got back she was still there, sleeping. I put the blanket on her.

I can't beleve that she was ones Eas. She's so diffrent now.

I looked at the clock. It said 03:40pm, so I went to bed.


Okey I'm done with this chapter...

Im gonna go now Byeeeeeee

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