chapter 7

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Love P.O.V

I was laying in my bed. I could not sleep. I was to excited for tomorrow, I was excited to meet Miki and Setsuna again. It feels like years since they left.

I looked at the clock, it's 2 in the morning.

I remember when I first became a Precure. Out of all people who could become a Precure, me, Miki, Bukki and Setsuna was chosen.

I'm happy. I'm happy that I got lost in the woods that day. I'm happy I met Setsuna. I'm happy I became a Precure.

I smiled.

Tomorrow we will be happy together!


Miki P.O.V

We are on the plane now, just hours till we are in Japan again. To see everyone again, it's perfect.

Even tho Setsuna have only been with me a day or two, I'm happy. I want to ask Setsuna about her life before the Precure stuff, but I'm scared I'll hurt her. I guess she'll tell us when she's ready.

"I can't wait." Setsuna says and then looks at me.

"Can't wait to see your family?" I asked her.

"Well yeah. But I'm talking about Kaorus donuts." She said and smiled.

"Aww, now I'm hungy!" I said laughing.

Both of us started laughing.

"Shh!" A old man behind us said.

"Sorry" Said Setsuna in japanese to the English man.

The man looked like a question mark.

"She said sorry." I explaned to the man.

He nodded and looked away.

The rest of the trip we stayed quiet and feel asleep.


Okey, so I wrote a lot more than this but somehow, almost everything got deleted.

So I'm just gonna leave it like this. But soon chapter 8 will come out, but not this weekend.

Oke Bye.

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