Chapter 3: Simone

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Yesterday's tomorrow is today, which meant that Kenneth was gonna be buggin me again in about 9 hours for however long my Agoraphobia will let me attend the kickback.

In case you were wondering what Agoraphobia is; fear of a places an situations that might cause panic, helplessness or embarrassment. This means I often have panic attacks, severe anxiety, and my least favorite apprehension. I'm not playing I honestly think I'm cursed, nothing ever goes my way it seems, but I'm holding up alright. I also have a really sucky amune system so I get sick a lot.

No one knows about my Agoraphobia, mostly because I don't have anyone to tell(minus my aunt n uncle but I still won't tell them). Another reason is because I don't feel like it's anyone's business, like if I had a best friend and I never kept secrets from them that'd be the one secret I'd keep.

I rolled off my bed hitting the soft carpet below, I layed there for a few minutes, just thinking.

I really need a therapist, or maybe I should get into one of them pity groups where you talk about all the shit that isn't right in your life.

Just then my phone started to ring(and it really was my phone cuz I bought it and pay for it every month)the only people it could be was my aunt or uncle or Kenneth, I really don't have a life guys.

"Sup auntie", I greeted my mood getting a little better, this woman was like a second mom to me.

"Hey my little ray of sunshine", she replied. And we both laughed the only reason why she calls me this us because I'm the exact opposite. I'm like a storm cloud that just rains on everything in my path. She continued after I gathered myself(the few times that laugh is when I'm either looking at memes, videos or tv, there are very few actual people in this world that make me laugh or bring me any kinda of joy).

"Uncle Darold and I gotta few errands to run, so can you please come by the house and watch Darren and Darius please? If you don't got a ride I'll get Ferg's lazy ass to come pick you up, and I'll pay you", she stated.

I babysit a lot to earn money to support my mom and I, the job really isn't cut out for me but I like Darren and Darius so I agreed. "Sounds fair auntie, tell Ferg to get his ugly ass over here", I joked. I heard her yell at Ferg to come pick me up, and started laughing after I heard an "ooooowww what the fuck ma", after he protested.

"Aight baby he's on his way, don't know why he can't watch them himself. He's always out leavin the house in shit, he might as well move out I mean his ass just turned 19", she explained while chuckling.

"Right well I'll holla at you later auntie, bye love ya".

"Love you to, come to the Bodega tomorrow honey you're the reason why most of my customers come back", she chimed. I smiled at her effort to bring myself esteem up, I dint believe her not one bit but it's better than Kenneth.

"I will auntie, bye". I hung up the phone before she could say something else, I love my auntie but she sure can talk a girl's ear off.


About an hour had passed and I still hadn't decided to get dressed, in fact I was thinking about not going to Ferg's house at all. I could feel a severe wave of apprehension coming over me, something bad was gonna happen.

Maybe I'm just buggin...

"Alright Binx stop staring at me while I get dressed you perv", I spoke and turned my gigantic oversized teddy bear so he was facing the wall.

I made my way to the pile of clean clothes that I'd hadn't got around to folding yet and picked out an outfit. An old grey jacket that was way too big for me, that I wore over a white tank top, a pair of jeans that I cut a little above the ankles and some black slip on vans. My auntie got me this whole outfit, in fact most of my clothes are hand me downs from Ferg's older sister or I buy them, but I make do with what I have. To finish the look I slicked my curly hair back in a low bun and put my only pair of hoop earrings on.

Grabbing my phone and charger, cuz I knew I was gonna be there for a while and if I want entertainment I'll need Reginald(that's my phone's name). I closed my bedroom door behind me and almost ran into some white dude, he looked to be a little older than my mom and he was creepy as fuck.

"Oh and who might you be", he asked his voice getting sly n shit.

"Someone who you better not fuck wit nigga", I snapped and tried to head for the door but he caressed my boob and I just wasn't having that.
I slapped him across the face hard, and stood there with my jaw clenched. I was so tired of these crazy ass men that my mom brought home touching me, thinking that just cuz my mom let them have their way with her, that I was gonna do the same. No mf way bruh bruh!

"Mmm so you're into that kinda stuff, I guess the rumors about you and your mom really are true, huh Simone". A tear rolled down my cheek, I mentally face palmed myself for letting this douchebag get the best of me.

"Don't believe the hype nigga", I hissed back and tried to make my way to the door again.

Where the fuck is my mother? I can't believe she really gave another nigga a key to our apartment!

"Le-leave me alone, don't touch me-", the big beefy guy pressed his lips against my lips. His hands roamed my body as I tried to scream and break away from him but he had me pressed against the wall as he grinded on me. A loud knock came at the door, the man stopped and went to the door and opened it. I heard Ferg's voice mixed with the  man's as they conversed. My stomach went into knots when I head the man say that I wasn't here.

Practically running down the hallway to the front door, "yes I am, I'm right here Ferg let's go", I stammered. The man turned to look at me, he glared at Ferg and Ferg glared back.

"Aight come on cous", Ferg remarked, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

Nodding my head, I followed Ferg down the apartment hallway, "ion like that nigga he sus as a bitch", said Ferg making a stank face as we made our way into the elevator.

"Yeah real sus", I turned my head away from Ferg so he couldn't see me crying.



So hope you guys enjoyed that chapter. I'm really excited bout this book btws. I'm trying something way different than my other asap rocky book(meaning I'm gonna try and chill on the drama- no flying off to different countries n shit lol).

Do y'all want me to make the next chapter in Rocky's pov? Or would y'all rather this book just have one main character's pov?(meaning the story will only be in Simone's pov).

Sometime Soon...(Asap Rocky)Where stories live. Discover now