Chapter 6: Simone

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(This is what my man was wearing I know he look jiggy af. Excuse that crusty ass hand, no offense Chanel Iman💛).

Simone you've been ignoring me for the past two weeks wassup wit that", Kenneth asked. I shook my head not able to believe that he really didn't know what he did wrong.

"You keep bothering me even tho I tell you not to wassup wit that", I mocked him and grabbed my backpack heading to my Theatre Arts class, groaning when I realized that Kenneth was following me.

"Look whatever I did to piss you off I'm sorry, for real Simone please stop being mad", pleaded Kenneth now blocking my way from entering the classroom. I looked at Kenneth's light brown eyes and the rest of his cute features, he was baby faced. Out of nowhere a small smile formed on my face, "chu smilin for, this ain't funny Simone", he said motioning between me n him.

I giggled some(which I never do unless I'm looking at a meme) "nothing Kenneth, I'll see you around". With that I gently pushed Kenneth out of the way and walked into the classroom.


School had just ended and I was now walking down the sidewalk on my home. Frank Ocean's "Biking Solo" was playing through my earbuds making my usual somber mood a little better. When I was about 15 minutes away from my apartment complex a couple that was arguing like they were worst enemies caught my attention.

I sat on a nearby bench and turned off my music, purposefully leaving my earbuds in as a cover up. Lots of times I easedrop on other people's convos because my life is really boring and it makes for great entertainment. It was a black guy and some white chick with long blonde hair that was up in a high ponytail. And the guy was wearing all black Jeremy Scott's with the wings, jean shorts that were rolled up a black snapback that he wore backwards, and a blue baseball jersey-looking thing. I could tell that this dude had money and so did the girl, I also could tell that there was no way I could afford anything either of them were wearing.

Despite all the other loud noises and different things going on through the city the guy stuck out like sore thumb. I'm not sure why tho he just did. They continued to argue about whatever they were arguing about until the chick slapped him.

My eyes dropped to his bald up fist, I was too far to see what his facial features were like but I could tell he was mad. See that's the thing with me, despite the fact that I never really talk to anyone I can still read people very easily.

Sometimes if I look closely into their eyes I can tell what they're feeling or even thinking. I like to think it's a super power, but I know it's not. The guy shook his head and stood there as the girl continued to get all up in his face, pushing on his shoulders every once n again. Even tho I didn't know who this guy was I felt kinda bad for him, it reminded me of my mom. How she'll pick unnecessary fights with me over anything I do wrong. And I have to sit there and take it, because if I say anything it'll make things worse.

By the looks of it the girl was finished being retarded, she kissed him hard on the lips. But the guy wasn't having it, he pushed her off and started walking elsewhere. The girl yelled something else at him but when she realized he was ignoring her she flagged down a passing taxi and was gone. I scanned the perimeters of the street to see if he was still around and thankfully I spotted him. He was sitting down on some barber shop's front steps, elbows resting on his knees, and his hands cradling his face.

I continued to stare at him really hard, I'm not sure why he just seemed real interesting. A few minutes passed of burning a whole into his head, until he got up. His head turned right and then turned left, once he seen that there was no moving vehicles coming he crossed the street. My heartbeat picked up as I realized he was coming to my general area, so to act like I hadn't been staring at him I began picking at scab on the back of my hand.

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