Chapter 5: Rakim

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Bro I knew college wasn't cut out for me, I'm fr bout to quit. I only did this for my moms anyways. Out of all my niggas I'm the only one who goes to college, so what's the point?

I shook the negativity out of my head, and continued down the long crowded hallway, thankful I only had two more periods left then I could go home. Once I had made it to my advanced acting class I sat down and started copying shit on the bored wit all da gadgets on it. "What's good my nigga", a familiar voice said from beside me, it was this lesbian chick I fw real heavy. She bails me out of everything, lets me copy her homework n shit, hook me up with her straight friends. She real solid for dat in my opinion.

"Sup Jazzy", I greeted giving her a head nod before going back to my notes. A few minutes passed and the teacher still wasn't in yet. So after I was done copying Jazmine's homework we talked about random shit.

"Aye you know that Kenneth nigga", I asked Jazmine, tugging one of my braids.

She nodded her head, "I know of him, wassup he still yo bitch or somethin", she laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "not a chance Jazzy. But it's about this girl that I guess he's feeling n shit, so he like.......posted some shit bout how she was great in bed or whatever......." I drifted off not really knowing why I was still even worried bout a two week old situation.

"Damn was the shit he said true"?

"Naw mane ion think so, she was too pissed for that. Anyways she's gotta weird vibe, besides  ion think she like that. Prolly a virgin", I added thinking about how upset Simone was.

Jazmine groaned and rolled her eyes, "fuck virgins mane. Once you fuck em all they want is da d"! I shook my head at her, like she would would know.

I was in my car reading over lines with my bitch Molly, a few weeks back Molly had scheduled an audition for a part in some movie. Tbh I was nervous as fuck, I've been in loads of plays n shit but I'd never tried out for a movie. I couldn't even remember what the movie was called, on the bright side tho I could remember what part I was auditioning for.

"Aight I'm outee, I'll see you when I see you", I said leaning over and giving her a quick kiss.

"Love you", Molly replied smacking my ass as I got out.

"Aye don't do allat Molly, I ain't with the weird shit", I laughed when she rolled her eyes. I watched her drive off and as soon as she did I felt lonely as fuck, empty even. I was super nervous, and ion like that feeling.

Well if this shit don't work out imma just focus on my music...

I walked in the big building and asked someone where the waiting room was, but in order for the women to tell me she had to know what movie I was auditioning for.

Ion fuckin know lady!

"Uhhhhh see dats the thing miss, I can't exactly remember what movie I'm auditioning for", I told her scratching the back of my neck. She rolled her eyes and asked if I could at least remember my name.

"Rakim Mayers", I said and pulled out my phone and texted back a few people.

"Oh here you are Rakim! You'll be auditioning for Owen Jennings, the movie is called Road Runner".

Sometime Soon...(Asap Rocky)Where stories live. Discover now